



Living Lord, life can be difficult and filled with challenges and obstacles. And yet we trust in you and know that the darkness will never completely overcome the light. Fill our hearts and minds with an attitude of trust that we might face each day with confidence and courage. Bless our efforts this day and every day, that we might be vehicles of your compassion and care for others. Through the gift of your Holy Spirit, shape our prevailing attitude, that we might be people of faith and hope. Amen.




Faithful Lord, even in the darkest moments, our trust in your promises can give us confidence and affirm the hope that better days are ahead. Send your Holy Spirit upon us that we might be strengthened in faith. Renew our trust in you that we might lead lives that reflect our hope that you are with us and will never abandon us. May your presence strengthen us, providing us with the courage we need to celebrate your love in good times and trust in your fidelity in times of darkness. In trust, we pray. Amen.




God most high, in a world of poll numbers, fact checking, and research, it can be difficult to cultivate the life of faith. We may be tempted to search for proof of your existence and care for us. This day we pray that you will open our eyes to your presence in our lives and world and open our hearts to the love you shower upon us each day. May our rightful confidence in science never diminish our faith in you. Amen.




Faithful God, life can be hard sometimes. It can present us with challenges and obstacles that are difficult to overcome. Yet, we trust in your goodness and have confidence in your presence in our lives. Fill our hearts with courage that we might meet the challenges of life with faith and hope, persevering in goodness and in the conviction that you will never abandon us. We pray in your name. Amen.




Faithful Lord, sometimes I feel like I need to have everything figured out before I can commit my life to you. Yet, I also know the only way to learn the piano is to play the piano. Give us the courage this day to trust in your goodness and your love. Fill our hearts with faith that we can commit our lives to you and strive to be your presence in the world. Embolden us by your presence to lead lives of faith, hope, and love. We pray through faith, in hope, and with love. Amen.




Sustaining Lord, life often presents us with obstacles and problems, large and small. Sometimes we can feel as if life has defeated us. In those moments, Lord, help us to trust in you. Open our lips that we might call out to you from our difficulties. Send your Holy Spirit upon us that we may know you are with us and that our challenges can be transformed through the power of your love. In God’s name, we pray. Amen.