
2nd Sunday of Advent

2nd Sunday of Advent


Lord, as we continue our celebration of the sacred season of Advent, we ask you to open our eyes that we might perceive your presence in our lives and world. Inspire us through your Holy Spirit to herald the good news of your love and mercy. Stir our voices that we might give voice to the truth of your presence and care. Bless our celebration of this season that we might grow closer to you and to one another.
With gratitude for your presence, we pray. Amen.




Almighty God, we continue to struggle under the weight of the global pandemic. Yet, we trust in you. Give us the strength we need to continue to confront this deadly virus. Encourage each of us to do what we can do in our own way to limit the spread. Remind us each day that we are in this together and that together we can overcome the challenges we face. Bless us with the strength that flows from knowing you are with us always. We pray in your name. Amen.




Coming Lord, as we begin the celebration of the sacred season of Advent, we ask you to give us hearts open to the many ways through which you are present in our lives. We ask you to give us the willingness to see you in each other. And we ask you to bless this sacred time that we might better prepare to celebrate the birth of your son at Christmas and recommit ourselves to the reign of God Jesus came to proclaim and embody. With confidence, we pray. Amen.




God most high, in a world of poll numbers, fact checking, and research, it can be difficult to cultivate the life of faith. We may be tempted to search for proof of your existence and care for us. This day we pray that you will open our eyes to your presence in our lives and world and open our hearts to the love you shower upon us each day. May our rightful confidence in science never diminish our faith in you. Amen.




Living Lord, you are the source of all that is. You live within each of us and therefore live within each person we will encounter today. Help us to treat every person we meet today with respect, regardless of how kind or difficult they may be. Fill us with your Holy Spirit that we might strive to be a reflection of your presence in, and love for, us all. In trust, we pray. Amen.




Eternal God, sometimes it is difficult to do your will. The many burdens of life can drain us of energy and hope. Yet, with St. Charles, we must strive to be conscious of your presence with us as much as possible. Open our hearts to your presence that we might begin today and every day with eagerness and hope. Fill us with the joy that flows from sharing your love and compassion with others. Amen.




Sustaining Lord, life often presents us with obstacles and problems, large and small. Sometimes we can feel as if life has defeated us. In those moments, Lord, help us to trust in you. Open our lips that we might call out to you from our difficulties. Send your Holy Spirit upon us that we may know you are with us and that our challenges can be transformed through the power of your love. In God’s name, we pray. Amen.