



Living Lord, life can be difficult and filled with challenges and obstacles. And yet we trust in you and know that the darkness will never completely overcome the light. Fill our hearts and minds with an attitude of trust that we might face each day with confidence and courage. Bless our efforts this day and every day, that we might be vehicles of your compassion and care for others. Through the gift of your Holy Spirit, shape our prevailing attitude, that we might be people of faith and hope. Amen.




Saving God, we remember in a special way this day the tremendous faith and courage of Mary, the mother of Jesus. May her willingness to do your will, with all of its uncertainty and mystery, inspire us to follow in the footsteps of your son, Jesus. Open our hearts and minds that we might imitate Mary’s openness and commit ourselves to growth in discipleship. Help us to surrender ourselves to your will as Mary did and strive each day to give ourselves ever more completely to your word. With faith in you, we pray. Amen.




Almighty God, we continue to struggle under the weight of the global pandemic. Yet, we trust in you. Give us the strength we need to continue to confront this deadly virus. Encourage each of us to do what we can do in our own way to limit the spread. Remind us each day that we are in this together and that together we can overcome the challenges we face. Bless us with the strength that flows from knowing you are with us always. We pray in your name. Amen.




Lord of liberty, you create each of us with inherent dignity and freedom. Yet we know there are still far too many in this world who are not free. Fill our hearts with the desire to work for justice and bless our efforts as a ministry to abolish human trafficking here and around the world. Remind us each day that as long as one of your children is not free, we are all not free. Give us the courage to work together to abolish slavery in all its forms and promote freedom for all. We pray this in the name of God who is the source of our dignity and freedom. Amen.




God of justice, fill us with your Holy Spirit this day as we celebrate and remember Rosa Parks and the contribution she made to civil rights in the United States. Inspire us by her example to be people of courage, committed to doing what is right and just. Strengthen us in mind and heart that we might dedicate our lives to the affirmation and promotion of human dignity, the common good, and freedom. With trust in you, we pray. Amen.




God of justice, you create each of us with inherent dignity. An attack on the dignity of one of us, is an attack on the dignity of all of us. Inspired by the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, give us the courage to eradicate violence against women in all its forms. Strengthen each of us that we might affirm and promote the dignity of all people, focusing efforts specifically on upholding the dignity, freedom, and rights of women in the United states and around the world. Open our eyes that we might see the ways in which women continue to be the victims of violence and open our hearts that we might work to create a world in which violence is eliminated and the dignity of all flourishes. We pray this in the name of God who is the source of our being. Amen.




God most high, in a world of poll numbers, fact checking, and research, it can be difficult to cultivate the life of faith. We may be tempted to search for proof of your existence and care for us. This day we pray that you will open our eyes to your presence in our lives and world and open our hearts to the love you shower upon us each day. May our rightful confidence in science never diminish our faith in you. Amen.