



Living Lord, life can be difficult and filled with challenges and obstacles. And yet we trust in you and know that the darkness will never completely overcome the light. Fill our hearts and minds with an attitude of trust that we might face each day with confidence and courage. Bless our efforts this day and every day, that we might be vehicles of your compassion and care for others. Through the gift of your Holy Spirit, shape our prevailing attitude, that we might be people of faith and hope. Amen.




Gracious God, each day we hear of the spike in Coronavirus cases. We hear of concerns about the spread of the disease as we approach the holiday season. Some suggest the surge is due to easing up on restrictions and forgetting to take appropriate precautions to battle this dangerous disease. But Lord, we must also not forget how much we owe to those on the front lines who serve and sacrifice each day to care for the ill and to keep everyone healthy and safe. Even as times change, may we always remember the debt of gratitude we owe to those on the front lines extending the compassionate care of Jesus to all people they encounter. With gratitude we pray. Amen.




God of compassion, we know what it is like to be treated with compassion. We know the difference it can make in our lives. Fill us with the spirit of your love that we might commit to extending your compassion to all those we encounter today and every day. May our commitment help to build more compassionate communities and a more caring world. With confidence in you, we pray. Amen.




God of compassion and care, we thank you for your presence in our midst, for the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, and for this opportunity to celebrate our common call to continue the healing mission of Jesus advanced so faithfully by the Sisters of Mercy. We thank you for the many and diverse efforts in our ministry that contribute to the building of a better world. Strengthen us that we might respond courageously to your call to be laborers in the harvest. Confirm us in our mission, clarify our vision, and deepen our values. Bless us always with your mercy and love. Amen.




Gracious God, we live in a world that measures success in many ways. For some, success is measured by the size of a bank account or the number of possessions surrounding them in their home. Still others measure success by the difference they have made in the lives of others. Fill our hearts with your love and compassion and our minds with your wisdom. Inspire us that we might resolve to be of value through positively influencing the lives of others. Amen.

Overcoming Fear

Overcoming Fear


God of strength and courage, often our lives are shaped by fear. We fear events swirling around in our world. We harbor fears about our own safety and security. We can fear the unknown, like the substance of our future. And yet, we trust in your love and the power of your guiding hand over the unfolding of world history and our own history. Send your Holy Spirit upon us. Inspire us to face each day with courage, confident in your compassion and goodness. We pray this in your name. Amen.




God of light and life, we all want to lead meaningful lives of purpose and significance. Fill us with the willingness to be the mirror reflecting your love and compassion. Give us the strength to sometimes be the candle whose light others reflect. Open our hearts and touch our ears that we might hear you calling us from darkness into the marvelous light of a better world and a worthwhile life. We pray this in your name. Amen.