



Lord of peace, today, we are often too familiar with the strife in our world and perhaps even the strife in our lives and families. As we celebrate the memorial of St. Leo the Great, sanctify us that we might be agents of the peace he extolled, the peace of which the angels once sang. May our lives bring some measure of mercy and peace to our struggling world. In confidence we pray. Amen.




Merciful Lord, you create us with a noble purpose, to love you and to love others. Yet, we know that we are not always who we should be. Too often, we fail to live out our sacred calling. Give us the wisdom to stand today with our Jewish sisters and brothers as they celebrate this feast of repentance and atonement. May we have the courage to repent of our sins and failings and rededicate ourselves to fulfilling the noble calling for which you have created us. We pray this in your name. Amen.




God of compassion and care, we thank you for your presence in our midst, for the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, and for this opportunity to celebrate our common call to continue the healing mission of Jesus advanced so faithfully by the Sisters of Mercy. We thank you for the many and diverse efforts in our ministry that contribute to the building of a better world. Strengthen us that we might respond courageously to your call to be laborers in the harvest. Confirm us in our mission, clarify our vision, and deepen our values. Bless us always with your mercy and love. Amen.




Merciful God, it is a central irony of the good news of your Son Jesus that his death on the cross is the root of our new and everlasting life. Open our hearts to the power of his example, that we might grow increasingly open to give of ourselves that others might have life. Bless our efforts and our sacrifices, no matter how small, that they may produce a harvest of justice and life. We offer our prayer through your Son, Jesus. Amen.




Merciful God, we know we do not always live up to our noble calling to reflect your presence and love in the world. Fill us with your Holy Spirit that we might be willing and ready to forgive those who have wronged us. Help us to develop hearts open to the forgiveness offered to us by those we have wronged. May our willingness to forgive and be forgiven help to reconcile a broken world. Amen.