



God of light and goodness, today, we join in prayer in a special way with our Jewish sisters and brothers as they begin at sunset this evening the Feast of Chanukah. Chanukah celebrates the triumph of light over darkness, of good over evil, of knowledge over ignorance, and of hope over despair. May this eight-day festival of light inspire each of us to become instruments of God in helping to overcome darkness, evil, ignorance, and despair. Bless our efforts, as individuals, as communities, and as a ministry, to advance the cause of light, goodness, knowledge, and hope. With unshakeable trust in you, we pray. Amen.

Love of God

Love of God


Lord of all, today we celebrate with our Sikh sisters and brothers the birth of Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism. Stir within us the same respect and appreciation he had for your presence in all that exists. May his commitment to equality, love, goodness, and virtue inspire us to model our behavior reflecting these eternal truths. Fill us with the same spirit that animated Guru Nanak and move us to lead lives of selfless service, commitment to social justice, and the affirmation of human dignity. Amen.




Almighty God, we all need to be reminded from time to time of the fundamental goodness of people. The divisions in our nation sometimes encourage us to forget the good people who populate our communities. Grant us the strength to live in a way that helps others remember and believe in the goodness of people. May you help to heal our divided nation through our commitment to seeing the good in others and striving to be good in what we say, what we do, and who we are. We pray in your name. Amen.




Faithful God, life can be hard sometimes. It can present us with challenges and obstacles that are difficult to overcome. Yet, we trust in your goodness and have confidence in your presence in our lives. Fill our hearts with courage that we might meet the challenges of life with faith and hope, persevering in goodness and in the conviction that you will never abandon us. We pray in your name. Amen.




Holy Lord, you create us for you and call each of us to be saints. But the holiness you call us to embrace is not one of chanting hymns by candlelight. Rather, your holiness asks us to share with others the good news of your love through the lives we lead. Fill us with your Holy Spirit that we might lead lives worthy of this sacred call. May the quality of our lives point not to our own goodness but to you who are the source of all that is good. With confidence in you, we pray. Amen.




Faithful Lord, sometimes I feel like I need to have everything figured out before I can commit my life to you. Yet, I also know the only way to learn the piano is to play the piano. Give us the courage this day to trust in your goodness and your love. Fill our hearts with faith that we can commit our lives to you and strive to be your presence in the world. Embolden us by your presence to lead lives of faith, hope, and love. We pray through faith, in hope, and with love. Amen.