Reflection   “A clean heart create for me, God; renew within me a steadfast spirit.  Do not drive me from before your face, nor take from me your holy spirit.” ~Psalm 51: 12-13   Prayer   Spirit God,  Through your love and unwavering goo

Spirit God,

Through your love and unwavering goodness, we find the strength to walk each day with a deep assurance of your steadfast presence. Yet, in our humanity, we sometimes falter and lose our way. When we stumble, guide us gently back to you, reminding us to lean on your unfailing grace. Create within us renewed hearts, and hold us close, never allowing us to stray too far. In turn, may we reflect your love and spirit to others, becoming instruments of your guidance and drawing all closer to you. With trust in your care, we pray. Amen.

World Day of Prayer

World Day of Prayer

Loving God,

On this World Day of Prayer, we humbly ask for your blessings upon the entire human family. You created us as one, bound together by your love, though our actions often fall short of reflecting this unity. Guide us to bridge the divides that separate us—be they of heart, mind, or circumstance. Help us to pray earnestly for one another, extending helping hands and open hearts to face challenges and sow seeds of love wherever they are needed. May we move closer to your vision for our world, one of harmony, compassion, and shared purpose. In your abiding love, we pray. Amen.

Ramadan Begins

Ramadan Begins


All-wise Creator,

As our Muslim neighbors and colleagues begin the season of Ramadan this evening, we all take time to reflect on the state of our spirits and to pray for a greater sense of community, unity, and a shared pursuit of the common good. In a culture particularly prone to amplify speech that pollutes our connections as one human family, help us regain the wisdom of silence and make us willing to purify our discourse together. May we hunger for your word above all else, that we might embody its life-giving power in ways that promote your vision of health and well-being for all. Amen.


    Reflection   “Some things cannot be spoken or discovered until we have been stuck, incapacitated, or blown off course for awhile. Plain sailing is pleasant, but you are not going to explore many unknown realms that way.” –David Whyte

God who sees all,

We know your plans for us are good and true. Yet setbacks and diversions can also make us question the direction we’re heading. Build our trust and dependence on you in such moments. Send us friends and partners who can support us in our various journeys. Help us be open to new discoveries that may be waiting for us, if only we are willing to work with your grace and grow through the changes. For all those who are especially gripped by doubt or fear today as they face the unknown, send us to accompany them with a spirit of compassion and peace. Amen.


    Reflection   “[God] endows people with knowledge,   to glory in his mighty works,   Through which the doctor eases pain,   and the druggist prepares his medicines.   Thus God’s work continues without cease   in its efficacy on the surfac

Divine healer,

We are grateful to serve as partners with you in this incredible ministry of healing! You have blessed us with the gifts of knowledge and insight, enabling us to extend a rich tradition of healing, cure, and care. As caregivers, physicians, technicians, responders, and so many others unite their skills in service to our mission, may they be more inspired and more effective in the good work they are doing, in your name and for your glory. Amen.


    Reflection   “My life has been full of terrible misfortunes, most of which never happened.”  –Michel de Montaigne   Prayer    Everlasting Peace,  Our worry about the future can often grow far out of proportion, as we catastrophize and sp


Everlasting Peace,

Our worry about the future can often grow far out of proportion, as we catastrophize and spend our time envisioning any and every unfavorable outcome. Heal us of such unhealthy patterns of thought, which lead us to focus on ourselves while neglecting the needs of others. May we cultivate instead a deep sense of joy for the gifts you have already given, that we might look to the future with faith, hope, and love. For our own sake, and the sake of all those you send us to serve, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “Jesus said to his disciples: ‘To you who hear I say, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.’” –Luke 6:27-28   Prayer   Loving God,  Your teaching is har


Loving God,

Your teaching is hard! And on our own merit, impossible. Knowing our weakness, we invite your spirit to transform us more and more, that we might grow in practicing this kind of love, which is radically inclusive, wide enough to encompass even the darkness we encounter. At the same time, we know you do not send us into harm’s way on purpose. So we pray as well for colleagues facing challenging working conditions, who may even be fearful in their duties and service. May we support them better and do all that we can to protect them, working together to see your vision of love-in-community flourish among us. Amen.