



Almighty God, today we celebrate the Memorial of St. Columbanus, an Irish missionary who died in the year 615. Like St. Columbanus, we too recognize that we are on a journey through life. He understood the importance of repentance and forgiveness for the road we travel. May we follow our path with the same zeal and dedication to you that inspired him. Fill our hearts with humility that we repent of the wrongs we do and offer forgiveness when we have been hurt by others. Inspired by the example of St. Columbanus, may we travel the road we are on with compassion and grace. Amen.




Loving God, we live in a time when sins and failings, past or present, are often used as weapons to injure rather than as opportunities to promote growth and communion. Help us to recognize that we are all imperfect together. Open our eyes, that we might see each other as sisters and brothers. Open our hearts that we might, in a spirit of forgiveness, seek to overcome wrongs and promote solidarity among all. Amen.