



Almighty God, sometimes we think of prayer as the opportunity to convince you we are right. Help us to see instead that prayer is an opportunity to encounter you. Through our prayer, shape us that we might grow closer to you. May our relationship with you transform our lives, making us instruments of your grace and peace each day. Give us the perseverance to remain faithful in prayer and committed to the lives to which you call us. We pray in your name. Amen.




Faithful Lord, even in the darkest moments, our trust in your promises can give us confidence and affirm the hope that better days are ahead. Send your Holy Spirit upon us that we might be strengthened in faith. Renew our trust in you that we might lead lives that reflect our hope that you are with us and will never abandon us. May your presence strengthen us, providing us with the courage we need to celebrate your love in good times and trust in your fidelity in times of darkness. In trust, we pray. Amen.




Loving Lord, we often confront a world not of our own choosing. Today, we are confronted by a global pandemic, a contentious election, the push for racial justice, and the degradation of our climate, not to mention the personal challenges we face each day. The temptation is to allow ourselves to drown amidst the challenges confronting us. Yet we know maintaining a positive, hopeful attitude in the midst of these circumstances is crucial. Fill our hearts with your love and with trust in your promises that we might confront the challenges of each day with hope and confidence, grounded in your love and fidelity. Amen.




God of compassion and care, we thank you for your presence in our midst, for the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, and for this opportunity to celebrate our common call to continue the healing mission of Jesus advanced so faithfully by the Sisters of Mercy. We thank you for the many and diverse efforts in our ministry that contribute to the building of a better world. Strengthen us that we might respond courageously to your call to be laborers in the harvest. Confirm us in our mission, clarify our vision, and deepen our values. Bless us always with your mercy and love. Amen.

Change the World

Change the World


God of transformation, it is easy to look around at our world without hope. Wildfires destroy your creation as injustice destroys lives. Yet, we believe you call us to contribute to the transformation of the world. Fill our hearts with your Holy Spirit that we might have the courage to respond faithfully to your call, trusting always in the bright future you promise. We pray this in your name. Amen.




God of generosity and goodness, your Son Jesus came not to be served but to serve. Inspire us by the example of Jesus to lead lives of faithful service to others. Move us to dedicate each day to serving our co-workers, our clients, our communities, our friends, our families, and especially people who are poor, sick, and vulnerable. Open our minds to the knowledge that our purpose on earth is to live in service to others. We pray this in the name of your Son Jesus. Amen.