



Living Lord, life can be difficult and filled with challenges and obstacles. And yet we trust in you and know that the darkness will never completely overcome the light. Fill our hearts and minds with an attitude of trust that we might face each day with confidence and courage. Bless our efforts this day and every day, that we might be vehicles of your compassion and care for others. Through the gift of your Holy Spirit, shape our prevailing attitude, that we might be people of faith and hope. Amen.




God of justice and peace, sometimes we can be paralyzed by the fear of failure. We can spend our days imagining a life and a world that fear can prevent us from pursuing. Fill our hearts with courage, Lord, that we can strive to build a better life and a better world in spite of our fears. Give us the strength to continue when we fail, trusting that something better can only be achieved when we take the risk. We offer this prayer in your name. Amen.