



Almighty God, sometimes we think of prayer as the opportunity to convince you we are right. Help us to see instead that prayer is an opportunity to encounter you. Through our prayer, shape us that we might grow closer to you. May our relationship with you transform our lives, making us instruments of your grace and peace each day. Give us the perseverance to remain faithful in prayer and committed to the lives to which you call us. We pray in your name. Amen.




Faithful and ever-living God, thank you for the many gifts you give us, for the many blessings you bestow upon us. Thank you especially for the gift of your presence in our lives. Fill us with the gift of your Holy Spirit who will inspire us to pray. Grant us the discipline to spend time with you each day and open our hearts that we will be transformed by you through prayer. We pray as we live, in your name. Amen.