



Creator God, you are the source of life and being for us all. Open our eyes and hearts that we might see you in ourselves and see ourselves in each other. Fill us with the inspiration of your Holy Spirit that we may affirm our common humanity and commit our efforts to promoting solidarity with all of our sisters and brothers. May respect for our differences never risk forgetting our oneness in dignity, freedom, and love. In God’s name, we pray. Amen.




Merciful God, it is a central irony of the good news of your Son Jesus that his death on the cross is the root of our new and everlasting life. Open our hearts to the power of his example, that we might grow increasingly open to give of ourselves that others might have life. Bless our efforts and our sacrifices, no matter how small, that they may produce a harvest of justice and life. We offer our prayer through your Son, Jesus. Amen.




God of meaning and hope, we know that sometimes life can be hard to manage. Sometimes the stresses and strains of work and home life can tempt us to despair, to question the meaning of it all. But when we turn our hearts to you, O God, we rediscover life’s purpose. We experience gratitude for the blessing and the meaning of life. Fill us with a sense of your presence and strengthen our belief in the goodness and meaning of life. Amen.




God of all good gifts, we praise and thank you for the many gifts you have given to us, for your presence in the great and the small alike. Fill our hearts with your love that we might dedicate ourselves to protect the life and beauty of the earth and all who inhabit it. Fill us with your peace that we might live as true sisters and brothers. Fill us with your light that we might appreciate the worth of all that is and use our gifts to advance your vision of life and love. In your name, we pray. Amen.