



Almighty God, sometimes we think of prayer as the opportunity to convince you we are right. Help us to see instead that prayer is an opportunity to encounter you. Through our prayer, shape us that we might grow closer to you. May our relationship with you transform our lives, making us instruments of your grace and peace each day. Give us the perseverance to remain faithful in prayer and committed to the lives to which you call us. We pray in your name. Amen.




Humble Lord, for some, today marks the unofficial beginning of the holiday shopping season. Too often, the holiday season can be the source of stress rather than a reason for celebration. Help us as we celebrate this unique holiday season to remain focused on the blessings these days illuminate. Open our hearts to the goodness of this special season and stir within us the spirit of peace and joy at the heart of the days we celebrate. We pray in your name. Amen.




Lord of peace, today, we are often too familiar with the strife in our world and perhaps even the strife in our lives and families. As we celebrate the memorial of St. Leo the Great, sanctify us that we might be agents of the peace he extolled, the peace of which the angels once sang. May our lives bring some measure of mercy and peace to our struggling world. In confidence we pray. Amen.

Simple Acts

Simple Acts


God of justice and peace, sometimes we can surrender to the temptation that history is made only by significant events and people. Sometimes we can think that our contribution makes little difference in a world with such massive challenges. Yet, the wise through the centuries have always understood the importance of simple, everyday acts. Stir within us the power of your wisdom that we might grow in our appreciation of the difference we can make. Give us the courage to act with goodness where we are. We pray in faith. Amen.




Loving God, we live in tumultuous times. The discord and division we experience in our society and world threatens not only the peace of our communities but also the peace within our own minds and hearts. Fill us today with the courage not only to believe in peace but commit ourselves to working for it. Bless our efforts that we might bring peace to our communities, our families, and our own hearts. Amen.