



Lord of liberty, you create each of us with inherent dignity and freedom. Yet we know there are still far too many in this world who are not free. Fill our hearts with the desire to work for justice and bless our efforts as a ministry to abolish human trafficking here and around the world. Remind us each day that as long as one of your children is not free, we are all not free. Give us the courage to work together to abolish slavery in all its forms and promote freedom for all. We pray this in the name of God who is the source of our dignity and freedom. Amen.




God of justice, fill us with your Holy Spirit this day as we celebrate and remember Rosa Parks and the contribution she made to civil rights in the United States. Inspire us by her example to be people of courage, committed to doing what is right and just. Strengthen us in mind and heart that we might dedicate our lives to the affirmation and promotion of human dignity, the common good, and freedom. With trust in you, we pray. Amen.

Love of God

Love of God


Lord of all, today we celebrate with our Sikh sisters and brothers the birth of Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism. Stir within us the same respect and appreciation he had for your presence in all that exists. May his commitment to equality, love, goodness, and virtue inspire us to model our behavior reflecting these eternal truths. Fill us with the same spirit that animated Guru Nanak and move us to lead lives of selfless service, commitment to social justice, and the affirmation of human dignity. Amen.




Lord of liberty, on this day in 1863, Abraham Lincoln promised that our nation would experience a new birth of freedom. We are still committed to making real the promise Lincoln articulated that day. Inspire us through the presence of your Holy Spirit to rededicate ourselves to the work still before us, to create a nation of compassion and justice, of goodness and liberty. May Lincoln’s inspiring words instill within us the desire to contribute our own effort to the cause for which so many have given their lives. Amen.

Simple Acts

Simple Acts


God of justice and peace, sometimes we can surrender to the temptation that history is made only by significant events and people. Sometimes we can think that our contribution makes little difference in a world with such massive challenges. Yet, the wise through the centuries have always understood the importance of simple, everyday acts. Stir within us the power of your wisdom that we might grow in our appreciation of the difference we can make. Give us the courage to act with goodness where we are. We pray in faith. Amen.




Gracious God, too often we might think our contribution will not make a difference in a struggling world. Yet, great leaders and visionaries have always reminded us that even the smallest act can have tremendous influence. Give us the courage today to offer our gifts and talents no matter how small we may think them. And give us the wisdom to appreciate that no act of love or goodness or justice is ever insignificant. We pray, trusting in your goodness. Amen.




Lord of justice and liberty, as we recall the signing of the Constitution by the delegates on September 17, 1787, help us also to be mindful of the noble goals for which it was established. Fill us with your Spirit that we might recognize what unites us as human beings. Give us the courage to provide justice for all. Stir within our hearts compassion that seeks the welfare of others, particularly people who are poor, sick, and vulnerable. And enliven our minds to enshrine in both practice and law respect for the freedom and dignity of all people. Amen.