



Loving God, on the night before he died, your son Jesus called his disciples friends. Let us give thanks today for the friends in our lives who help us to be better people, who see us through the difficult times, and are there to rejoice with us in the good times. Fill our hearts with the love and our minds with the wisdom to be good friends for others. May we strive to grow in friendship with you and imitate the friendship you offer us through your son, Jesus, in whose name we pray. Amen.




Loving Lord, today, we recall the assassination of President John F. Kennedy 57 years ago. We thank you for the wisdom he left us, for the inspiring role he played in so many lives, and for the symbol of hope he has become in the years since his death. Committed to public service throughout his life, may we draw inspiration from his example as we continue to pursue your work on earth. In confidence, we pray. Amen.




Patient Lord, we live in a world that places a high value on speed. Yet, we are often taught that patience is a virtue. Open our minds to your wisdom that we might rediscover the necessity and power of patience. Help us see that fast is not always the same as good or right. Strengthen us that we might be active in patience and patient in outcomes generated by the grace of God and the efforts of the human family. In confidence we pray. Amen.




November is National Native American Heritage month. Let us join our voices with theirs as we offer this native Navajo prayer.

O great Spirit of our ancestors, I raise my pipe to you, to your messengers the four winds, and to Mother Earth who provides for your children. Give us the wisdom to teach our children to love, to respect, and to be kind to each other so that they may grow with peace of mind. Let us learn to share all good things that you provide for us on this earth. Amen.




Eternal God, today, our Muslim sisters and brothers begin their celebration of the birth and life of the Prophet Muhammad. Open our minds to your wisdom that we might grow in our appreciation of the revelation of your presence and love in so many ways and in so many traditions. Encouraged by the words of the prophet, may we all seek the wealth that comes from faith in you and expresses itself in love for others. We pray in thanksgiving for the God made visible in countless faces. Amen.

Simple Acts

Simple Acts


God of justice and peace, sometimes we can surrender to the temptation that history is made only by significant events and people. Sometimes we can think that our contribution makes little difference in a world with such massive challenges. Yet, the wise through the centuries have always understood the importance of simple, everyday acts. Stir within us the power of your wisdom that we might grow in our appreciation of the difference we can make. Give us the courage to act with goodness where we are. We pray in faith. Amen.




Gracious God, too often we might think our contribution will not make a difference in a struggling world. Yet, great leaders and visionaries have always reminded us that even the smallest act can have tremendous influence. Give us the courage today to offer our gifts and talents no matter how small we may think them. And give us the wisdom to appreciate that no act of love or goodness or justice is ever insignificant. We pray, trusting in your goodness. Amen.