



Gracious God, as we watch the news with anxiety, we remember the many people on the front lines who work each day to keep us safe and healthy, provided for, and encouraged. Keep close to you today all those workers on the front line who risk their health and safety to protect us. Fill them with your Holy Spirit that they might continue to perform their sacred mission and fill our hearts with gratitude for the service and care they offer. Amen.




God of compassion and care, we thank you for your presence in our midst, for the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, and for this opportunity to celebrate our common call to continue the healing mission of Jesus advanced so faithfully by the Sisters of Mercy. We thank you for the many and diverse efforts in our ministry that contribute to the building of a better world. Strengthen us that we might respond courageously to your call to be laborers in the harvest. Confirm us in our mission, clarify our vision, and deepen our values. Bless us always with your mercy and love. Amen.




Loving Lord, young Mary of Nazareth trusted in your word and your promise to her. Her trust in you inspired her to dedicate her life to serving the good news of the gospel. Develop within our hearts a spirit of profound trust, a trust that will inspire us to dedicate our lives to continuing the mission of proclaiming and embodying the good news of the gospel in our day. We pray this in your name. Amen.