



Gracious God, today, we pause to give thanks. We give thanks for our families, for our friends, for the opportunity to do meaningful work, and especially for the gift of your presence and love in our lives. May our celebration instill within us a spirit of gratitude that shapes our living throughout the year. May we always be mindful of the many blessings in our lives and always committed to responding to your call to be a blessing in the lives of others. In gratitude, we pray. Amen.




Eternal God, today, our Muslim sisters and brothers begin their celebration of the birth and life of the Prophet Muhammad. Open our minds to your wisdom that we might grow in our appreciation of the revelation of your presence and love in so many ways and in so many traditions. Encouraged by the words of the prophet, may we all seek the wealth that comes from faith in you and expresses itself in love for others. We pray in thanksgiving for the God made visible in countless faces. Amen.