



Loving God, on the night before he died, your son Jesus called his disciples friends. Let us give thanks today for the friends in our lives who help us to be better people, who see us through the difficult times, and are there to rejoice with us in the good times. Fill our hearts with the love and our minds with the wisdom to be good friends for others. May we strive to grow in friendship with you and imitate the friendship you offer us through your son, Jesus, in whose name we pray. Amen.




Lord of all, the holiday season this year will be unlike any other we have experienced. Yet, thanks to technology, there will still be opportunities to be with family. Fill our hearts with gratitude for our families. Inspire us to find safe ways to be together and to strengthen the bonds that unite us. May we be mindful of the many who suffer because of the pandemic and thankful for the many working to keep us heathy and safe. With trust in you, we pray. Amen.




Creator God, you are the source of life and being for us all. Open our eyes and hearts that we might see you in ourselves and see ourselves in each other. Fill us with the inspiration of your Holy Spirit that we may affirm our common humanity and commit our efforts to promoting solidarity with all of our sisters and brothers. May respect for our differences never risk forgetting our oneness in dignity, freedom, and love. In God’s name, we pray. Amen.