



Gracious God, too often we might think our contribution will not make a difference in a struggling world. Yet, great leaders and visionaries have always reminded us that even the smallest act can have tremendous influence. Give us the courage today to offer our gifts and talents no matter how small we may think them. And give us the wisdom to appreciate that no act of love or goodness or justice is ever insignificant. We pray, trusting in your goodness. Amen.




Eternal God, too often in our society we celebrate the grand, the great, and the famous. Such emphasis can tempt us to undervalue our own contribution and significance. Yet, we know it is more often in the simple, the ordinary, and the everyday through which people’s lives are changed and transformed. Strengthen us today to believe in, and act upon, our ability to contribute to the lives of others in simple and ordinary ways. In confidence, we pray. Amen.




Lord of goodness and care, you call us, not to simply offer an occasional thank you but, to be people of gratitude. Stir our hearts with the fire of your love that we might live from a genuine spirit of gratitude for the many gifts you give us, for the many blessings you bestow upon us. May the gift of gratitude inspire us to rededicate our lives to the service of others. Amen.