



Loving Lord, today, we recall the assassination of President John F. Kennedy 57 years ago. We thank you for the wisdom he left us, for the inspiring role he played in so many lives, and for the symbol of hope he has become in the years since his death. Committed to public service throughout his life, may we draw inspiration from his example as we continue to pursue your work on earth. In confidence, we pray. Amen.




Loving God, we live in tumultuous times. The discord and division we experience in our society and world threatens not only the peace of our communities but also the peace within our own minds and hearts. Fill us today with the courage not only to believe in peace but commit ourselves to working for it. Bless our efforts that we might bring peace to our communities, our families, and our own hearts. Amen.




Gracious God, your son Jesus called Matthew to leave his work as a tax collector behind and follow him. You call us to follow you through the work we do. Open our minds to your wisdom and our hearts to your call. Help us to see our work as a way of following you. May the work we do bring us closer to you and bring healing and peace to your people. We offer our prayer through your Son, Jesus. Amen.




Merciful God, work is at the heart of who we are called to be as people. You call each of us to cooperate with you in your work of ongoing creation. Help us to see our work as an ongoing participation in your work of building a better world. Send your blessing this day upon all those who labor and all those suffering economically in the midst of this global pandemic. May your Spirit help us transform the challenges of today into the opportunities that will allow all people to realize their God-given call to labor on behalf of the reign of God. We offer this prayer with profound thanks. Amen.




Gracious God, too often we can spend our energy dreaming and have little left for the doing. Open our minds to the truth that dreams remain mere fantasies if we do not work to make them reality. Grant us the passion to dream big and the desire, persistence, and perseverance necessary to pursue our big dreams. May the dreams we pursue advance your vision for us and promote a world of justice, goodness, and peace. Amen.