



Eternal God, today, our Muslim sisters and brothers begin their celebration of the birth and life of the Prophet Muhammad. Open our minds to your wisdom that we might grow in our appreciation of the revelation of your presence and love in so many ways and in so many traditions. Encouraged by the words of the prophet, may we all seek the wealth that comes from faith in you and expresses itself in love for others. We pray in thanksgiving for the God made visible in countless faces. Amen.




God of all, we live in contentious times and sometimes diversity can sound like a bad word to some. Help us in these difficult times, Lord, to see your presence in each other. As we celebrate Multicultural Diversity Day, help us to remember that you are the creator of us all and that we each reflect your goodness in a unique way. May we find blessing both in what we celebrate and in what we promote. Amen.




God of all, you have created each of us as unique individuals yet one in dignity. Help us to respect the diversity of persons with whom you populate the earth. May our celebration of diversity enrich our appreciation of the beauty of the human person and shape communities where the voices of all are heard. Open our eyes that we may see your image and likeness in all we meet. We pray in the name of the God who creates us all. Amen.




Lord of life, today begins the celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month. May the celebration of this month draw attention to the beauty of Hispanic culture and the contributions of so many Hispanic women and men to life on our planet. May the attention drawn to Hispanic heritage promote a greater appreciation of diversity and inclusion and a greater spirit of solidarity among all women and men. In God’s name we pray. Amen.