



Loving Lord, we often confront a world not of our own choosing. Today, we are confronted by a global pandemic, a contentious election, the push for racial justice, and the degradation of our climate, not to mention the personal challenges we face each day. The temptation is to allow ourselves to drown amidst the challenges confronting us. Yet we know maintaining a positive, hopeful attitude in the midst of these circumstances is crucial. Fill our hearts with your love and with trust in your promises that we might confront the challenges of each day with hope and confidence, grounded in your love and fidelity. Amen.




Living Lord, today, our nation celebrates American Business Women’s Day. As we celebrate the achievements of so many women, may we all recognize and promote the inclusion of all voices at the table. May the contributions of women in business inspire others to follow their own path, always mindful that true success is about the positive difference we make in the lives of others. In God’s name we pray. Amen.




Gracious God, we live in a world that measures success in many ways. For some, success is measured by the size of a bank account or the number of possessions surrounding them in their home. Still others measure success by the difference they have made in the lives of others. Fill our hearts with your love and compassion and our minds with your wisdom. Inspire us that we might resolve to be of value through positively influencing the lives of others. Amen.