
Overcoming Fear

Overcoming Fear


God of strength and courage, often our lives are shaped by fear. We fear events swirling around in our world. We harbor fears about our own safety and security. We can fear the unknown, like the substance of our future. And yet, we trust in your love and the power of your guiding hand over the unfolding of world history and our own history. Send your Holy Spirit upon us. Inspire us to face each day with courage, confident in your compassion and goodness. We pray this in your name. Amen.




God of justice and peace, sometimes we can be paralyzed by the fear of failure. We can spend our days imagining a life and a world that fear can prevent us from pursuing. Fill our hearts with courage, Lord, that we can strive to build a better life and a better world in spite of our fears. Give us the strength to continue when we fail, trusting that something better can only be achieved when we take the risk. We offer this prayer in your name. Amen.