



Living Lord, you are the source of all that is. You live within each of us and therefore live within each person we will encounter today. Help us to treat every person we meet today with respect, regardless of how kind or difficult they may be. Fill us with your Holy Spirit that we might strive to be a reflection of your presence in, and love for, us all. In trust, we pray. Amen.




Compassionate God, you have created us to enjoy the beauty of the world you have created and to develop relationships shaped by love and compassion. Yet, sometimes in our attempt to complete the tasks the world considers important, we can forget that you call us to enjoy the life you have given to us. Fill our hearts with a spirit of play that we might imbue our lives with an appreciation of the goodness of your creation and the people and creatures who fill it. We pray in the name of the God who creates and calls us. Amen.




God of all, we live in contentious times and sometimes diversity can sound like a bad word to some. Help us in these difficult times, Lord, to see your presence in each other. As we celebrate Multicultural Diversity Day, help us to remember that you are the creator of us all and that we each reflect your goodness in a unique way. May we find blessing both in what we celebrate and in what we promote. Amen.




God of all creation, we thank you for the gift of creation and for the goods of the earth. We thank you for each other and the gift we are to each other. Fill our hearts with your truth that we might sense your presence in all that you have created. May we live from a profound respect for the goodness of creation and commit ourselves to its ongoing care. In God’s name we pray. Amen.

Beauty of Creation

Beauty of Creation


Creator God, you are the source of all that exists. You are the author of the sunrise and the sunset, the pounding of the waves, and the majesty of the mountains. Fill us with awe and wonder for the beauty of your creation. Stir within us the courage to care for your creation so that generations to come may still witness the beauty of your creation and the love of the creator. Amen.




Merciful God, work is at the heart of who we are called to be as people. You call each of us to cooperate with you in your work of ongoing creation. Help us to see our work as an ongoing participation in your work of building a better world. Send your blessing this day upon all those who labor and all those suffering economically in the midst of this global pandemic. May your Spirit help us transform the challenges of today into the opportunities that will allow all people to realize their God-given call to labor on behalf of the reign of God. We offer this prayer with profound thanks. Amen.




God of all good gifts, we praise and thank you for the many gifts you have given to us, for your presence in the great and the small alike. Fill our hearts with your love that we might dedicate ourselves to protect the life and beauty of the earth and all who inhabit it. Fill us with your peace that we might live as true sisters and brothers. Fill us with your light that we might appreciate the worth of all that is and use our gifts to advance your vision of life and love. In your name, we pray. Amen.