



Creator God, you are the source of life and being for us all. Open our eyes and hearts that we might see you in ourselves and see ourselves in each other. Fill us with the inspiration of your Holy Spirit that we may affirm our common humanity and commit our efforts to promoting solidarity with all of our sisters and brothers. May respect for our differences never risk forgetting our oneness in dignity, freedom, and love. In God’s name, we pray. Amen.




Loving God, we live in a time when sins and failings, past or present, are often used as weapons to injure rather than as opportunities to promote growth and communion. Help us to recognize that we are all imperfect together. Open our eyes, that we might see each other as sisters and brothers. Open our hearts that we might, in a spirit of forgiveness, seek to overcome wrongs and promote solidarity among all. Amen.




Lord of life, today begins the celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month. May the celebration of this month draw attention to the beauty of Hispanic culture and the contributions of so many Hispanic women and men to life on our planet. May the attention drawn to Hispanic heritage promote a greater appreciation of diversity and inclusion and a greater spirit of solidarity among all women and men. In God’s name we pray. Amen.