International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
“Violence against women isn’t cultural, its criminal. Equality cannot come eventually, it’s something we must fight for now.” ~ Samantha Power
God of justice, you create each of us with inherent dignity. An attack on the dignity of one of us, is an attack on the dignity of all of us. Inspired by the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, give us the courage to eradicate violence against women in all its forms. Strengthen each of us that we might affirm and promote the dignity of all people, focusing efforts specifically on upholding the dignity, freedom, and rights of women in the United states and around the world. Open our eyes that we might see the ways in which women continue to be the victims of violence and open our hearts that we might work to create a world in which violence is eliminated and the dignity of all flourishes. We pray this in the name of God who is the source of our being. Amen.
Call to Action
What can I do to promote the dignity of all people, especially women?