



Saving God, we remember in a special way this day the tremendous faith and courage of Mary, the mother of Jesus. May her willingness to do your will, with all of its uncertainty and mystery, inspire us to follow in the footsteps of your son, Jesus. Open our hearts and minds that we might imitate Mary’s openness and commit ourselves to growth in discipleship. Help us to surrender ourselves to your will as Mary did and strive each day to give ourselves ever more completely to your word. With faith in you, we pray. Amen.




Lord of all, sometimes our culture can be hyper-focused on personal independence and strength, tempting us to believe life is primarily about the pursuit of our own desires and will. Inspire us by the words and example of St. Teresa of Avila to recognize and accept that the call at the center of our life is to pursue the will of God. May the example of her life foster within us a profound commitment to God’s will today and every day. We pray in the name of the God who creates and calls us. Amen.