



Gracious God, too often we can spend our energy dreaming and have little left for the doing. Open our minds to the truth that dreams remain mere fantasies if we do not work to make them reality. Grant us the passion to dream big and the desire, persistence, and perseverance necessary to pursue our big dreams. May the dreams we pursue advance your vision for us and promote a world of justice, goodness, and peace. Amen.




God of all good things, like the prodigal son, too often we go out searching for happiness only to discover that true happiness resides with you. We pray today for the courage to pursue true happiness. Strengthen us that we might resist the temptations that promise happiness but often leave us feeling lost and alone. Guide us through the gift of your Holy Spirit to desire true happiness and possess the willingness to seek it in honesty and sincerity. In your name, we pray. Amen.