



Eternal God, too often in our society we celebrate the grand, the great, and the famous. Such emphasis can tempt us to undervalue our own contribution and significance. Yet, we know it is more often in the simple, the ordinary, and the everyday through which people’s lives are changed and transformed. Strengthen us today to believe in, and act upon, our ability to contribute to the lives of others in simple and ordinary ways. In confidence, we pray. Amen.




God of all hopefulness, these extraordinary times have called out extraordinary acts of kindness, goodness, compassion, and sacrifice. But these times have also helped us recognize the kindness and compassion so often on display every day in ordinary times. Fill our hearts with gratitude for the many people whose bravery and goodness have been thrust into the spotlight by the times through which we pass. And help us to be more appreciative of the common, everyday acts of decency and compassion that make our world and our lives better. With profound gratitude, we pray. Amen.




Gracious God, history books are often filled with grand moments and the people who shaped those moments. But our personal histories and the histories of our communities are often written in simple stories, everyday experiences, and ordinary encounters. We thank you, Lord, for the kindness we have experienced in life. And we ask that you fill our hearts with your love that we might reach out in kindness to all we encounter today. Amen.