



Holy God, you call each of us to be holy, to proclaim and embody your great love in our own living. Inspire us by the example of the great saints of Ireland that we might respond to your call to be holy through our daily commitment to extend good help with compassion and humility. May our remembrance of the great saints of Ireland this day reaffirm our dedication to the mission of our ministry and give us the courage to respond daily to your call to walk in your footsteps. We pray in humility. Amen.




Holy Lord, you create us for you and call each of us to be saints. But the holiness you call us to embrace is not one of chanting hymns by candlelight. Rather, your holiness asks us to share with others the good news of your love through the lives we lead. Fill us with your Holy Spirit that we might lead lives worthy of this sacred call. May the quality of our lives point not to our own goodness but to you who are the source of all that is good. With confidence in you, we pray. Amen.




Lord of all, sometimes our culture can be hyper-focused on personal independence and strength, tempting us to believe life is primarily about the pursuit of our own desires and will. Inspire us by the words and example of St. Teresa of Avila to recognize and accept that the call at the center of our life is to pursue the will of God. May the example of her life foster within us a profound commitment to God’s will today and every day. We pray in the name of the God who creates and calls us. Amen.

God's Call

God's Call


Lord God, inspire us by the example of your servant St. Ciaran of Clonmacnoise whose feast we celebrate today. Responding to your call, St. Ciaran founded a monastery that would become one of the most important centers for learning and religious life in Ireland. Guide our steps that they may always lead us to you and guide our hearts that, like St. Ciaran, we might always respond to the call to do your will in our lives. In your name, we pray. Amen.