
Feast of All Saints of Ireland


“I would like an abundance of peace. I would like full vessels of charity. I would like rich treasures of mercy. I would like cheerfulness to preside over all.”
~ St. Brigid of Kildare


Holy God, you call each of us to be holy, to proclaim and embody your great love in our own living. Inspire us by the example of the great saints of Ireland that we might respond to your call to be holy through our daily commitment to extend good help with compassion and humility. May our remembrance of the great saints of Ireland this day reaffirm our dedication to the mission of our ministry and give us the courage to respond daily to your call to walk in your footsteps. We pray in humility. Amen.

Call to Action

Take a few moments to learn about a saint of Ireland. Commit to developing one characteristic or trait in my life that they embodied in their life.