St. Oliver Plunkett

St. Oliver Plunkett


“If I were a person that had not good principles, I might easily have saved my life; but I had rather die ten thousand deaths, than wrongfully take away one farthing of another person’s goods, one day of his liberty, or one minute of his life.”
~ St. Oliver Plunkett


Gracious God,

Your servant Oliver willingly gave his life because of his faith in you. Help us also to be strong in faith. By his intercession and example, may all hatred and bitterness be banished from the hearts of all men and women. May the peace of Christ reign in our hearts, as it did in the heart of Oliver Plunkett, that we might be animated by courage and hope. We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Call to Action

What one action can I take, or what one commitment can I make today, that might counter hatred and bitterness with love and forgiveness?