Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday


“In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless wasteland, and darkness covered the abyss, while a might wind swept over the waters. ~ Genesis 1:1-2


God of those who mourn,

Yesterday, we commemorated the death of your son Jesus on the cross. The disciples of Jesus saw in the crucifixion an expression of defeat, of vanquished hopes. Far too many people in our world live in the shadow of death, live in despair of a new and better day. Transform our mourning into a desire to walk with the grieving and the hopeless. Open our hearts to your love that we might use our gifts to help turn the world’s sorrow into joy, the world’s despair into hope. In the name of our crucified God, we pray. Amen.

Call to Action

What one action can I take, or one commitment can I make, that will help turn sorrow into joy and despair into hope for the people I encounter in my life?