Good Friday

Good Friday


“When Jesus had taken the wine, he said, ‘It is finished.’ And bowing his head, he handed over the spirit.” ~ John 19:30


Crucified God,

The irony at the heart of Jesus’ story is that he was killed because of his ability to give life, life to the full. On this Good Friday, as we recall the death of Jesus on the cross, fill us with a sense of profound gratitude for the gift of his sacrificial love. May our gratitude for the gift of God’s saving love in Jesus expressed in and through his cross and in all the crosses erected throughout history, stir within our hearts a desire to take up our cross each day in the service of building the reign of God which Jesus proclaimed and for which he died. We make this prayer through Christ our crucified Lord. Amen.

Call to Action

As I commemorate this solemn occasion, inspire me to pursue actions and commitments that will contribute to building the reign of God in our day and in our world.