Center for Ministry Formation

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International Day for the Abolition of Slavery


“Slavery is not a horror safely confined to the past; it continues to exist throughout the world, even in developed countries…Across the world slaves work and sweat build and suffer.” ~ Kevin Bales


Lord of liberty, you create each of us with inherent dignity and freedom. Yet we know there are still far too many in this world who are not free. Fill our hearts with the desire to work for justice and bless our efforts as a ministry to abolish human trafficking here and around the world. Remind us each day that as long as one of your children is not free, we are all not free. Give us the courage to work together to abolish slavery in all its forms and promote freedom for all. We pray this in the name of God who is the source of our dignity and freedom. Amen.

Call to Action

What can I do to help abolish contemporary slavery in all its forms and promote the freedom of all people?