Caring for Others with Kindness

As we walk this journey of life with each other and as a ministry, we are committed to our mission to be the compassionate presence of Jesus to one another. We remember that Jesus called people to love their neighbors as themselves, encouraging them to see everyone as our neighbor. Through his inclusive definition of neighbor, Jesus calls us to contribute to the common good by showing kindness to one another. At its heart, kindness involves a generosity and goodness that seeks to advance well-being, our own and that of others. Treating others with kindness can change the world one small act at a time. This activity promotes practices to increase the kindness that we show to others.

Extending the compassionate ministry of Jesus calls for kindness.

Jesus gives us great examples of how we are to treat each other with kindness, from his conversation with the woman at the well (John 4:4-32), to healing the paralytic man at Bethesda (John 5:1-9), to asking Zacchaeus to come down out of the tree to have dinner with him (Luke 19-1:10). Mother Teresa’s daily living was shaped by love and kindness. She once said, “I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love”(16Guidelines). Like our loving God, and inspired by the examples of Jesus and Mother Teresa, our kindness and love for others should be boundless, free of any bias. When there is a chance to be kind to one another, take that chance and grow God’s love throughout the world.

·       Need some suggestions on ways to be kind?  Check out this list of 87 Ways to Be Kind and Loving.

·        A short Reflection on Kindness  

·       Cheryce Rampersad gives us A Prayer for the Beautiful Qualities of Kindness and Gentleness.

·       Orly Wahba’s lifework is teaching about the importance of spreading kindness.  In this video, Because Kindness Keeps the World Afloat, watch how kindness spreads one act at a time. A short video showing how kindness spreads so easily and brings joy to others: 

·       Mother Teresa’s quote, along with additional resources on Kindness can be found at 16Guidelines.