Reflection   “Commitment is an act, not a word.” –Jeanette Winterson   Prayer   Merciful God,  As people of conscience and a ministry together, we invite you to fill us with the courage we need to enact our deepest commitments. May our m


Merciful God,

As people of conscience and a ministry together, we invite you to fill us with the courage we need to enact our deepest commitments. May our mission go beyond words, as we commit to embody your healing compassion, bring good help to others, and advance the health and well-being of our patients and communities. No matter what our role or position, help us live into the connections between our own sense of purpose and the direction our ministry is headed. United in commitment, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “Let us turn our eyes to the Father and Creator of the universe, and consider…the total absence of any friction that marks the ordering of His whole creation.” –St. Clement of Rome   Prayer   Creator God,  We do well these d


Creator God,

We do well these days to contemplate your goodness in creation, especially when there seems to be so much friction in our culture—as confusion, chaos, and uncertainty give us reason to wonder about the future. You invite us instead to pause, breathe, and reorient ourselves as creatures made in your image, called and equipped to preserve the good order you have designed. As you restore our sense of belonging to the world you made, empower us to do what we can to bring it more in alignment with your good purposes. Amen.


    Reflection   “Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.” ~Brené Brown   Prayer   God of creativity and love,  Through the beauty and wonder of your creation, you have shown us the power of imagination and the

God of creativity and love,

Through the beauty and wonder of your creation, you have shown us the power of imagination and the gift of innovation. You have placed within us the ability to think, dream, and create, reflecting your divine image. Guide us to use these gifts for the uplifting of others, never to tear down, but to build pathways of compassion and understanding. May we live with purpose, seeking the good of all, and share love without limit to all those we meet. For this, we humbly pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “Patience attracts happiness; it brings near that which is far.” ~Swahili Proverb   Prayer   God of wisdom and joy,  Within the human spirit lies a profound sense of happiness when we seek to fulfill our moral duties, especi

God of wisdom and joy,

Within the human spirit lies a profound sense of happiness when we seek to fulfill our moral duties, especially in the sacred field of healthcare. Though some decisions we face are challenging, through patience and reflection we trust in your guidance to lead us to what is right. Remind us always of your presence in the work we do, strengthening our hands and hearts for the good of all people. May our efforts draw those who feel distant from you closer, so that in that relationship, true and lasting happiness may flourish. Amen.


    Reflection   “Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart.”  Victor Hugo   Prayer   God of seasons,  In the midst of winter’s chill, it is easy to lose sight of the promise spring holds. Dark days, frosty mornings, and h

God of seasons,

In the midst of winter’s chill, it is easy to lose sight of the promise spring holds. Dark days, frosty mornings, and heavy snow can weigh on our spirits. Yet, we trust in your eternal rhythm, knowing that spring will follow winter and life will emerge anew. This cycle reminds us of the triumph of life over death and hope over despair. Help us to carry this assurance in our hearts, knowing that we are always held tenderly in your care. With gratitude for your steadfast love, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths.”  – Etty Hillesum   Prayer   God of life,  With every breath we take, you fill us with your presence, flowing through us to ins

God of life,

With every breath we take, you fill us with your presence, flowing through us to inspire the words we speak and the actions we take. We are deeply grateful for the air we breathe and for the pauses in between—brief yet sacred moments to reflect on the work you have called us to do. These moments of stillness are a privilege, granting us the focus and clarity to serve our patients with compassion and care. For the opportunity to pause, reflect, and center our hearts on others, we say thank you. Amen.

Presidents’ Day

Presidents’ Day

God of all nations,

On this Presidents’ Day, we lift our gratitude to you, not only for those who have led the United States of America but also for leaders across the globe working to guide their nations. We ask for your wisdom and guidance to fill the minds and hearts of all who bear the responsibility of leadership, that their decisions and actions may serve the greater good of all people. May their work bring about peace, harmony, and justice, reminding us that we are united by your boundless love. With hope and trust, we pray. Amen.