Reflection   “Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose hope is the LORD.” ~ Jeremiah 17:7   Prayer   God of healing and hope,  Each day we turn to you with hearts full of trust, seeking your presence as we strive to bring comfort

God of healing and hope,

Each day we turn to you with hearts full of trust, seeking your presence as we strive to bring comfort and care to those we serve. We are grateful for your guidance in our work, leading our hands and minds to ease the pain of our patients and offer solace to their families during challenging times. In this spirit of trust and hope, we humbly ask your abundant blessings upon all who are struggling with health concerns, especially those who are poor, dying, and underserved. May they feel the strength of your love through the care they receive. Amen.


    Reflection      "For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love" ~ Carl Sagan   Prayer   God of love,  In your boundless care, you created us to reflect your goodness and entrusted us with the will to choo

God of love,

In your boundless care, you created us to reflect your goodness and entrusted us with the will to choose paths of love and compassion. As we navigate each day, guide our decisions so that through our words and actions, your love may ripple out into the world. Help us to see every opportunity to share kindness as a chance to follow the example of your Son, Jesus, drawing others closer to your heart. In faith that sustains us, hope that inspires us, and love that binds us, we offer this prayer. Amen.


    Valentine’s Day    Reflection    “Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone—we find it with another.” –Thomas Merton   Prayer   Loving God,  We affirm the joys of love this Valentine’s Day and take t


Loving God,

We affirm the joys of love this Valentine’s Day and take time to remember especially the depth of love you have shared with us and that you invite us to share with others. May we do so more and more faithfully each day, knowing that love ultimately calls us beyond emotions and to commit to living well in community. As a ministry community anchored upon your healing love, help us stand out to the people we serve today. May they experience the depth of your love for them in all that we do and say. Amen.


    Reflection    “Patience is the calm acceptance that things can happen in a different order than the one you have in mind.” – David Allen   Prayer   God with us,  We are very good at making plans, but often very bad at dealing with setbac


God with us,

We are very good at making plans, but often very bad at dealing with setbacks. For all those who are discouraged today by the apparent obstacles standing in the way of their goals, we pray you would bless them with an abundance of patience. Comfort them in the truth that you are always beside them, regardless of circumstance, and that despite the way things look you are somehow accomplishing your good purposes each and every day. May we all be blessed today with more patience. Amen.


    Reflection   “The more peace there is in us, the more peace there will be in our troubled little world.”   –Etty Hillesum   Prayer   Source of all peace,  Today we choose to be agents of peace in your name. For the patients and families


Source of all peace,

Today we choose to be agents of peace in your name. For the patients and families we are privileged to serve, for our colleagues and partners in this ministry of healing, and for the wider communities you have sent us to bless and protect. As we do so, may each one of us be given at least some opportunity, however brief, simply to pause before you and surrender our hearts to your goodness and grace. May we be filled with your divine peace—a peace beyond understanding, which we can then share meaningfully and powerfully with all those in need, especially the poor, dying, and underserved. Amen.

World Day of the Sick

World Day of the Sick


Loving God,

On this World Day of the Sick, we take time as a ministry to pledge our ongoing solidarity with all those who suffer, struggle with illness, or otherwise await a comforting present to accompany them in a time of need. In our facilities and various sites of care, wherever you send us today, let us be open to mutually enriching encounters with all those we have the privilege of serving. May we be united in the cause of their healing and be present to them as persons in community, even as we give them the very best high-quality care we can offer. Amen.


    Reflection    “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the holy Spirit.” –Romans 15:13   Prayer   God of hope,  When the world looks dark and the future gives us oc


God of hope,

When the world looks dark and the future gives us occasion to worry, we invite you again to fill us with your life-giving Spirit of hope. Help us resist the forces of confusion and uncertainty, and to stand up as people of hope, expressing joy and peace as we believe in your word and trust in your promises, for us and for those around us. We know that you will not give us more than we can handle, and so we ask for your power to make us more effective as we serve the common good together and work to build communities in which all people thrive and flourish. Amen.