Reflection    “Worrying is using your imagination to create something you don’t want.” –Esther Hicks    Prayer    God of peace,   You instruct us not to worry or be anxious about anything, and yet that is so much easier said than done! O


God of peace,

You instruct us not to worry or be anxious about anything, and yet that is so much easier said than done! Our imaginations are often prone to dwell on things we wish to avoid. Help us through such weakness, so that instead of worrying we might build our thoughts on hope, endurance, and an abiding trust in you. We are especially mindful of all those who are worried or afraid today in the face of sickness or disease or other struggles. Use us to build them up in spirit. May we extend your compassion to them in ways that quell anxiety and cultivate hope. Amen. 

International Day of Prayer and Awareness for Human Trafficking

International Day of Prayer and Awareness for Human Trafficking

“Loving Father,

We seek your divine protection for all who are exploited and enslaved. For those forced into labor, trafficked into sexual slavery, and denied freedom. We beseech you to release them from their chains. Grant them protection, safety, and empowerment. Restore their dignity and provide them a new beginning. Show us how we might end exploitation by addressing its causes. Help us reach out in support of victims and survivors of human trafficking. Make us instruments of your spirit for their liberation. For this we pray through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.”  Prayer, from USCCB handout for World Day of Peace 2015


    Reflection   “Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th.”  ~ Julie Andrews   Prayer   God of strength,  Life often brings discouragement when our best efforts fall short. Yet we trust that each setback carries lessons

God of strength,
Life often brings discouragement when our best efforts fall short. Yet we trust that each setback carries lessons that can lead us forward. Grant us that same resilience to continue striving for good, knowing that each attempt brings us closer to meaningful change. May we never give up, trusting that perseverance brings us nearer to the purpose you have set for us. Amen.


    Reflection   "Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart."  ~ Victor Hugo   Prayer   Loving Creator,  In the quiet chill and early darkness of winter, solitude can sometimes bring a heavy heart. Help us, instead, to emb

Loving Creator,
In the quiet chill and early darkness of winter, solitude can sometimes bring a heavy heart. Help us, instead, to embrace the beauty of this season: the wonder of snowflakes drifting down, the joy of children laughing around snow creations, and the warmth of a cozy fire with a cup of hot chocolate in hand. Remind us, even on the coldest nights, of the gifts winter brings, knowing that spring's first buds and blooms will soon follow. With trust in your presence through every season, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” ~ Maya Angelou   Prayer   Generous God,  You have placed within each of us unique gif

Generous God,
You have placed within each of us unique gifts and talents, intended not only for ourselves but to enrich the lives of others. Help us to recognize the importance of sharing these gifts and to understand our call with gratitude and purpose. May we live out this call with a passion that is authentic to who we are, and inspire others to cherish their own gifts and to use them for good. In gratitude and purpose, we pray. Amen.

World Cancer Day

World Cancer Day

God of purpose,
You have given us the gift of life to bring goodness into the world and to serve with love. Guide us each day as we bring good help and mercy to our patients, especially those fighting cancer, and sharing your compassion through our actions, prayers, and kind words. May each person we encounter experience your presence and feel your love as they journey toward health and wholeness. Through your endless love, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about.”   ~ Winston Churchill   Prayer   God of guidance,  There are times when our minds seem to be endlessly fixed on a problem or solution we can’t quit

God of guidance,
There are times when our minds seem to be endlessly fixed on a problem or solution we can’t quite grasp. Perhaps in those moments, you are gently leading us toward a new path, asking us to persevere through rough times. Guide our thoughts so we may discern clearly what you are trying to reveal to us and what we need to release. Help us to act on the things that are worth pursuing, giving us the perseverance to see them through. With unwavering trust, we pray. Amen.