National Wear Red Day

National Wear Red Day

God of life and love,
We ask your blessings on all those who struggle with heart disease. With each beat of our hearts, we experience another moment of your love. On this National Wear Red Day, unite us in support and prayer for all those affected by heart disease. May our prayers bring them strength, and our support help guide them on the path to a healthy heart. Through your love, we pray. Amen.

Memorial of St. Brigid

Memorial of St. Brigid

God of all,
On this feast day of St. Brigid of Ireland, we celebrate her devotion to you and to the people of Ireland. As the patroness of learning and healing, we look to her example in the work we do in healthcare. We ask your blessing on all those who enter our facilities, seeking healing and trusting in the knowledge and skills you’ve given us to help in that process. Through your love, we pray. Amen.


   “In this world, a good time to laugh is any time you can.” –Linda Ellerbee    Prayer   Life-giving Spirit,  Our work is serious, and we need the gifts of levity, laughter, and light-hearted moments to stay balanced and resilient. As we fo


Life-giving Spirit,

Our work is serious, and we need the gifts of levity, laughter, and light-hearted moments to stay balanced and resilient. As we focus on serving patients and communities to the best of our ability today, may we also invite a healing spirit of humor that can unite us, especially when we are otherwise tempted to feel crushed by harsh realities. For those especially strained by the weight of their calling, bless them with opportunities to catch a good breath of refreshment and a slice of life’s joy that can strengthen their spirits and give them new momentum. As partners with you and each other, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “You cannot truly listen to anyone and do anything else at the same time.” –M. Scott Peck   Prayer   Gracious God,  As we extend your healing compassion to others in need today, help us to be fully present and truly to liste


Gracious God,

As we extend your healing compassion to others in need today, help us to be fully present and truly to listen to patients and families and all those we encounter. Enable us to quiet our minds and give them our undivided attention, honoring their words in a way that reflects your attentive care for us. May our hearts be open to truly hear, understand, and respond to them with compassion and grace, so that our service to them mirrors the same focus and devotion that you so graciously show to us daily. Amen.

Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year


God of the journey,

As we celebrate Lunar New Year today, we take time to appreciate the gift of each and every day, for the new beginning each day gives us to live our best selves in community with others, all for the sake of your good purposes among us. Inspire us simply to keep going on the journeys to which you have called and equipped each of us, no matter what. For those who are tempted to stop, let neighbors, friends, and colleagues support and encourage them to take just the next step in the right direction. Amen.


    Reflection   “Surely, I wait for the LORD; who bends down to me and hears my cry,   Draws me up from the pit of destruction, out of the muddy clay,   Sets my feet upon rock, steadies my steps,   And puts a new song in my mouth, a hymn to


God our deliverer,

It is often hard to wait on you and listen for your voice, especially when we feel ourselves sinking in the midst of challenging circumstances. For all those today who are sick, suffering, or otherwise in need of deliverance, we ask you to hear their cries and respond to their prayers. Use us as your instruments of healing today so that, to the best of our ability, we might guide them to wholeness through compassionate actions that can restore their footing, steady their steps, and revive their hope yet again. As we all learn to wait on you, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “To make the improving of our own character our central aim is hardly the highest kind of goodness. True goodness forgets itself and goes out to do the right thing for no other reason than that it is right.” –Lesslie Newbigi


Always good God,

Our lives are always driven by a mixture of motives, yet we invite you to purify our hearts today, so that our service on behalf of others will better reflect the generous blessings of your own goodness and love. No matter what we’ve been called to do today, empower us to do it selflessly and for the right reasons. With hope and expectation, use our words and deeds to transform the brokenness around us while providing new paths of healing and wholeness, in service to the common good. Amen.