Reflection   “Choose to be optimistic. It feels better.” –the Dalai Lama   Prayer   Liberating God,  In the course of a day we are confronted with many events beyond our control. It’s tempting at times to feel like victims of circumstanc


Liberating God,

In the course of a day we are confronted with many events beyond our control. It’s tempting at times to feel like victims of circumstance, tempted to negativity. When this kind of pessimism starts to swell in our hearts, help us to stop, retrieve our composure, and remember the freedom you have won for us. May we freely choose to have a better attitude filled with a hope that can inspire us and overflow to those around us. Amen.


    Reflection   “The planet does not need more successful people. But it does desperately need more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of every kind. . . . It needs people of moral courage willing to join the fight to


Gracious Spirit,

Our culture invites us to adopt a narrow vision of success, driven by self-preservation, self-realization, and self-promotion. Yet these are the buzz words of a lonely existence, over-inflated with self-concern. As a ministry called to turn outward in service to others, help us keep our focus on what truly matters for the life and vitality of our communities, so that we may continue providing good help where it’s needed most. In pursuit of peace and healing, compassion and belonging, love and cooperation, we pray.  Amen.

Bon Secours Day

Bon Secours Day


Loving God,

We gather in Your presence today to celebrate the Sisters of Bon Secours and the many ways they have shared Your healing, compassion, and liberation so faithfully, for over two hundred years. We take time as well to renew our commitment to the mission we share with them, as Bon Secours Mercy Health, mindful of our calling to extend their legacy by continuing to bring good help to those in need, both in the United States and in Ireland. Inspire us by Your Spirit and give us Your joy, as we use our gifts in the service of others. In Your name we pray, Amen.


    Reflection   “The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.” ~ Paul Valery       Prayer   God of dreams,  As children, we dreamed about what we wanted to be when we grew up, and we lived out those dreams through our playtime.

God of dreams,
As children, we dreamed about what we wanted to be when we grew up, and we lived out those dreams through our playtime. As adults, we still dream, but sometimes that is as far as it goes. Help us to know more deeply that your desire for us is to live out our dreams in ways that will benefit the world, and that bringing them into reality will bring good to others. Your desire for us to live fully allows us to wake from our dreams and move forward in putting them into action. Trusting in you, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “We tend to misunderstand the link between joy and gratefulness.  We notice that joyful people are grateful and suppose that they are grateful for their joy.  But the reverse is true: Their joy springs from gratefu

God of joy,
When we enter each day with a grateful heart, we soon realize the joy it brings to our lives and how our days seem to flow more easily. You teach us to be grateful for all we have been given, and then to share that with others, once again bringing joy to life. Guide us through each day to be grateful: for all our interactions, the activities in which we participate, and for the people we meet. May our gratitude for all that you provide bring joy, not only to ourselves, but to others too. Amen.


    Reflection   “The point of life is connection – with God, with our own hearts and with the people God puts in our distinctive corner of the world.” ~Jennie Allen       Prayer   Loving God,  We are blessed by the connections that you give

Loving God,
We are blessed by the connections that you give to us each day, whether that be with our patients, our family, strangers, or friends. Each connection has meaning, and it is through these connections that we come closer to you, for you are within each person. Help us never to see a connection with someone as just a chance meeting. Rather, allow us to truly see you in each person. With gratitude for these meetings, we pray. Amen.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

God of service,
Martin Luther King, Jr. was a man of faith and service. He believed that whatever one is called to be and do in this life, it should be done to the best of one’s ability, without comparison to others. Help us strive always to be our best, using the gifts you have given us for the benefit of others. May we honor Martin Luther King, Jr. today by serving our patients and families with a love rooted in our faith in you. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.