Reflection   “Entrust your works to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.” ~ Proverbs 16:3   Prayer   God of Success,  We often base our “success” on the standards of the world, yet we know that this is not how you view success. Your pl

God of Success,
We often base our “success” on the standards of the world, yet we know that this is not how you view success. Your plans for us will always succeed when we place our full trust in you. The success you lead us to may look different than we imagined, but it will always serve our best interests. Guide us each day to assess our trust in you, adjust where necessary to relinquish our control, and find assurance that your plans benefit us and those around us. In full trust, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “Sometimes you change people’s lives just by saying ‘good morning.’ I always say to myself, ‘I’ll never see this person again on the elevator, on the stairwell, in the grocery store. This is the only chance, the two of us.’”

God of interactions,
You grant us so many opportunities to connect with one another as your children, and yet many times we miss those chances, overlooking the impact we could have in someone's life. Small acts of kindness, words of praise, or simply sharing a cup of coffee with a co-worker can change the course of a day, bringing good into the world. Help us to remember that we are here to be with others, as brothers and sisters of a loving God, and that through these interactions, your love spreads across the world. For the sake of loving others, we pray. Amen.


   “What is harder than rock, or softer than water? Yet soft water hollows out hard rock. Persevere.”  –Ovid   Prayer   Empowering Spirit,  You showed us in word and deed that God’s way of love and peace can overcome every kingdom built on o

Empowering Spirit,

You showed us in word and deed that God’s way of love and peace can overcome every kingdom built on oppression, pride, and injustice. Help us persevere in following your way today, that we might continue the legacy of those before us and extend your good work in the world, especially on behalf of those who are particularly vulnerable, marginalized, and underserved. May our diligence in doing good and our resilience in the face of obstacles make us all the more ready to tackle the complex challenges of tomorrow. United in mission and persevering in faith, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “Illness raises questions about meaning, value, and relationship. These questions are spiritual. How health care professionals answer these questions for themselves will affect the way they help their patients struggle with


God of wholeness,

As we extend your compassionate ministry to others today, let each one of our associates and leaders be led towards a deeper appreciation of how you have woven us together, as mind, body, and spirit, integrally united. May the reality of our creation before you make an impact on the way we respond to the suffering and illness we encounter. No matter our role or function, remind us that everything we do in the course of health care delivery truly is spiritual work, that we might be all the more effective in providing whole person care for those in need. Amen.


    Reflection   “To have an attitude of faith is to hear the Lord speaking everywhere and all the time, in the concrete and ordinary circumstances of our lives.” –Richard Rohr    Prayer   God with us,  Give us the ability to discern your vo


God with us,

Give us the ability to discern your voice in every moment of our lives and ministry, no matter how ordinary or routine such moments may be. May we cultivate an attitude of faith, that anticipates encountering your presence even in the monotonous details of our work. As we use our gifts and skills and talents to serve others today, we pray we might look back on the day’s events and know that every step of the way you were there, speaking and leading us with love. Amen.


    Reflection   “By far the strongest poison to the human spirit is the inability to forgive oneself or another person. Forgiveness is no longer an option but a necessity for healing.” –Caroline Myss   Prayer   Merciful God,  We pray today


Merciful God,

We pray today for any who may be struggling with the need to forgive, either themselves or another. By your spirit, free every heart from unforgiveness and from all the damage that comes from inner wounds left untreated. As a ministry community, let your healing and grace flow through us in creative and liberating ways, so that people trapped in regret and bitterness might find as much peace for their spirits as they find health for their bodies. As whole people, striving for wholeness, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “Live your life as an exclamation, not an explanation.” –H. Jackson Brown, Jr.   Prayer   Life-giving Spirit,  Your gift of abundant life calls us not merely to drift through existence, but to exclaim your goodness every day


Life-giving Spirit,

Your gift of abundant life calls us not merely to drift through existence, but to exclaim your goodness every day, through the decisions we make, the work that we share, and the dreams we pursue together. May we answer your invitation to new life today, so that our words and deeds—indeed our very lives—might serve as exclamations of your love and compassion to a hurting world. Humbly we invite you to use us again, as agents of healing today, coordinating our gifts, talents, and skills in the service of those waiting for help. Amen.