Reflection   “Many things about tomorrow, I don’t seem to understand; But I know who holds tomorrow, And I know who holds my hand.” –Ira F. Stanphill   Prayer   God beyond time,  As we begin turning our attention from this year to the ne


God beyond time,

As we begin turning our attention from this year to the next, remind us that it’s okay to be confused and concerned about tomorrow. At the same time, help us to be grounded in hope, knowing we are safe and secure in your company and as we trust you to lead us into tomorrow. For those that we serve, may we be anchors of strength and resilience for them, sharing your goodness and love. For those who serve beside us, may we support and encourage them to remain faithful in the mission that brings us together, day after day. Amen.


    Reflection   “Broken was the snare, and we were freed. Our help is in the name of the LORD, who made heaven and earth.” –Psalm 124:7   Prayer   Liberating God,  We continue to lift our hearts in thanksgiving and celebration for the comin


Liberating God,

We continue to lift our hearts in thanksgiving and celebration for the coming of your son, Jesus, at Christmas. His arrival opened the door for our liberation, removing every obstacle that stands between us and your life abundant. Today, then, we pray for strength and resilience to continue Jesus’ mission, breaking the snares that keep people oppressed. Empower us to be good help to them by accompanying them in pursuit of healing, freedom and wholeness. Amen.

Kwanzaa continues

Kwanzaa continues


Creator God, 

Today continues the weeklong celebration of Kwanzaa. The celebration of Kwanzaa seeks to bring forward the best of culture, ancient and contemporary, encouraging the discovery of principles and possibilities that can enrich and expand our lives. May this rich celebration of culture and excellence inspire us to pursue the noble possibilities of human existence, that we might give of ourselves to secure justice, peace, dignity and freedom. We pray to you, the Lord of possibilities. Amen. 

Hanukkah continues

Hanukkah continues


Empowering Spirit,

Hanukkah reminds us that your ways are higher than our ways, and that your plans for us will not be thwarted by any mechanism of human power or might. As our Jewish brothers and sisters continue to celebrate Hanukkah, may we all take this opportunity to remember your gracious provision and protection over us, and how we depend upon you for every dimension of our safety, comfort, and peace. Inspire us with gratitude, that we might rededicate ourselves to serving you by serving those you put in our path, especially those who are most in need. Amen.

Christmas Day

Christmas Day


Gracious God,

What a joyous day it is! With you and angels and saints, we gladly celebrate the birth of your son, Jesus, through whom divine grace has been revealed, in our very flesh, opening a new way of life for all of us! May our celebrations today fill us with hope and make us ever more eager to do what is good. Amen!

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve


Merciful God,

Many are filled with excitement today as they share the most blessed gifts of connection, community, love, and generosity. We praise you for such celebrations! Yet there are also others who, for any number of reasons, may be grieving this time of year or are otherwise struggling. We are mindful of them and pray that you would show them your mercy. Grant them peace and comfort and send us to show them your goodness. We are mindful as well, of all those who may be working and unable to pause during Christmastime this year. We pray you would reward them for their service and restore to them the time they are sacrificing for the sake of others. With peace and goodwill, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “Kindness is like snow. It beautifies everything it covers.” –Kahlil Gibran   Prayer   Spirit of Kindness,  It’s the time of year when schedules stretch thin and our pace gets hasty. Amidst all the busyness, help us hold on


Spirit of Kindness,

It’s the time of year when schedules stretch thin and our pace gets hasty. Amidst all the busyness, help us hold on to the things that matter most and the values that keep us human together, especially the value of kindness. Empower us as a ministry, not just to extend your healing effectively, but to do so with genuine kindness. In all that we do and say for patients and families, and our wider communities, keep us kind, especially towards those who might be the most challenging or those we are tempted to ignore and neglect. May we sincerely strive to beautify the people and places around us with kindness today. As a people on mission, we pray. Amen.