Fourth Sunday of Advent

Fourth Sunday of Advent


Loving God,

On this final Sunday of Advent, we focus attention on the love you have so generously lavished on us, in sending to us your son, Jesus. Humbly we ask you to continue showering your lovingkindness towards us. Continue to look down from heaven and see us, take care of us, and protect us, especially those who are most vulnerable and suffering through various challenges. May we who extend Jesus’ ministry today open our own eyes and be willing truly to see those most in need of our protection and care. Make us willing to do whatever is necessary to provide these gifts, out of gratitude to you. Amen.

Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice


God of life,

Even in winter, so much is happening beneath the surface of the earth, lying in wait, until springtime will burst forth with new life. As we reflect upon the gift of creation and the way you sustain the whole web of life in every season, guide us to greater degrees of trust in you and your faithfulness towards us. May we grow ever more eager to respond to your provision by proving ourselves faithful in return, standing up as stewards of creation, looking for effective ways to nourish the landscape we share as one human family and as a ministry called by your name. Amen.


    Reflection   “Love is the flower you’ve got to let grow.” ~ John Lennon   Prayer   God of love,  Because you first loved us, we are able to love. The love you show us is expansive and boundless, a free-flowing love that nurtures growth a


God of love,

Because you first loved us, we are able to love. The love you show us is expansive and boundless, a free-flowing love that nurtures growth and manifests in beautiful ways in our lives. As we move forward, help us to love others with that same generous and liberating love, embracing the growth that follows. In love, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “There is peace even in the storm." ~Vincent van Gogh   Prayer   God of Peace,  In recent days, there seem to be many storms not just in the weather, but in our lives—political storms, foreign affairs storms, climate change


God of Peace,

In recent days, there seem to be many storms not just in the weather, but in our lives—political storms, foreign affairs storms, climate change storms, family feuds—all threatening our tranquility. However, when we place our full trust in you, we find the courage to walk bravely through these storms to the peace that lies within. Help us to trust that you walk beside us each day, calming the storms we face. In gratitude, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “Compassion is an unstable emotion. It needs to be translated into action, or it withers.”   ~ Susan Sontag   Prayer   God of Compassion,  Your Son, Jesus, showed us the perfect example of unconditional care and love, meetin


God of Compassion,

Your Son, Jesus, showed us the perfect example of unconditional care and love, meeting every person with kindness and understanding during His time on earth. As a Catholic healthcare ministry, we are blessed with countless opportunities each day to reflect that same compassion—whether through a patient’s care, a comforting word to a family member, a helping hand to a co-worker, or a kind gesture to a stranger. Inspire us to live out our mission with purpose and passion, extending the compassionate ministry of Jesus especially to those who are most vulnerable. In Your name, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “Faith is not believing in my own unshakeable belief. Faith is believing in an unshakeable God when everything in me trembles and quakes.”  ~ Beth Moore   Prayer   Trusting God,   We know that our intuition can lead to


Trusting God,

We know that our intuition can lead to great outcomes, and when we trust what is within us, we become more fully the people you have called us to be. With deeper understanding, we recognize that this trusted intuition is rooted first and foremost in your love for us. It is through your love that we are able to go beyond our fears and flourish in this life. Guide us in remembering always where our trust began and how that trust sustains us through life. In gratitude for your love, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “We must use time as a tool, not as a couch.” ~ John F. Kennedy   Prayer   Loving God,  Our days on earth are marked by time: years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Each second is precious, and we are called to li


Loving God,

Our days on earth are marked by time: years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Each second is precious, and we are called to live each moment to the fullest. Help us to be mindful of our actions and inactions in response to time, ensuring that we use it wisely to bring good help to those around us and to the world at large. Guide us not to waste our time but to be productive in assisting those in need, especially the poor, dying and underserved. Amen.