Second Sunday of Advent

Second Sunday of Advent


God among us,

As we continue to anticipate Christmas, we also take time to appreciate all the good things you are doing among us, with neighbors and friends and communities, with patients and families and those we encounter in the course of our days. We are comforted seeing signs of your loving faithfulness everywhere, as your word continues to bring life, sustaining us in the ministry we perform in your name. For those who are especially hurting or lonely this season, may they know that they are remembered by you, and may we gather around them as a community of faith, eager to serve them along with all those in need. Amen.


    Reflection   “The initial step for a soul to come to knowledge of God is contemplation of nature.” –St. Irenaeus   Prayer   God among us,  As we welcome the quiet beauty of winter,   help us to appreciate the intricate ways you sustain a


God among us,

As we welcome the quiet beauty of winter, help us to appreciate the intricate ways you sustain all of creation, even in times of stillness and cold. May the barren ground and the bare trees invite us to reflect on your faithfulness, as you are sure to provide the means for new life, in time. Let us draw nearer to you through the world that you made, and each do our part to provide for creation’s own health and well-being. For our good and the good of the world, we pray. Amen.

Feast Day of St. Nicholas of Myra

Feast Day of St. Nicholas of Myra


Perfect giver,

St. Nicholas Day was for many of us as children, where we would put out our shoes in order to receive little gifts of joy.  True to this tradition, St. Nicholas was a man, a bishop of the Catholic church, known for his generous giving, not just to children, but to all those in need.  May we continue this tradition of giving to those in need, whether they are poor in finances, food, spiritual health or mental health. Allow our gifts to bring joy to them. Amen.


    Reflection   "Amen, I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”   ~Matthew17:20   Prayer   Faithful God,  We


Faithful God,

We are called to live a life of faith, trusting that you have our best interests in mind. It is often easy to believe this when life is smooth and everything seems to go our way. Yet, in times of struggle and pain, our faith can waver. It is in these moments that we need you most. Strengthen our faith so that we may see beyond the pain, find a path to peace, and move through our challenges with confidence. In faith, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.”  ~ Arnold H. Glasow   Prayer   Ever patient God,  As human beings, we often lack patience, especially when dealing with one an


Ever patient God,

As human beings, we often lack patience, especially when dealing with one another. We are deeply grateful for you as our example. Your patience with us, through both good times and bad, guides us to see our co-workers, patients, neighbors, and loved ones in a new light. We are all human and we all make mistakes. Help us to be patient and forgiving with others, as you are with us. For this we pray, Amen.

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

International Day of Persons with Disabilities


God of all abilities,

You have gifted each of us with unique and wonderful abilities. Every person should be valued for being a beloved child of God, rather than for having the same talents and skills as everybody else. Help us to understand that the term 'disability' could be seen as 'other ability,' for we are all endowed with different talents granted by you. Guide us to see as you see and to celebrate the skills and talents of everyone. Amen.

International Sharps Injury Prevention Month

International Sharps Injury Prevention Month


Gracious God,

As a healthcare system, we understand the critical importance of safety, especially concerning our patients. Guide us during this month of prevention against sharps injuries, helping us to exercise great care when using sharp objects ourselves and when instructing patients on the proper use of needles and other sharps to avoid injury. In gratitude for your constant care and protection, we pray. Amen.