First Sunday of Advent

First Sunday of Advent


Loving God,

As we enter into this first week of Advent—a time of waiting, reflecting, and praying, help us remember that it is a journey not to be rushed; rather, in the quiet of this season, may we unite in prayer for the good of all people, especially for those who are poor, vulnerable and underserved. In anticipation, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “Living in a state of gratitude is the gateway to grace.” ~ Arianna Huffington   Prayer   God of grace,  We have so much to be grateful for each and every day, from the moment we open our eyes to the morning sunlight until w


God of grace,

We have so much to be grateful for each and every day, from the moment we open our eyes to the morning sunlight until we close them again at the day’s end. Our days are filled with opportunities to say "Thank you" for all the blessings we have received. Yet, at times, we forget these two important words and take things for granted. Help us to be ever mindful of the importance of living in a state of gratitude, for it is then that we are filled with your grace. Amen.


    Reflection   “True compassion means not only feeling another’s pain but also being moved to help relieve it.”  –Daniel Goleman   Prayer   God of compassion,  Our mission as a ministry is to extend your compassion in ways that truly relie


God of compassion,

Our mission as a ministry is to extend your compassion in ways that truly relieve the burdens of others. As people of conscience and as an organization together, we ask you to make us more effective in our mission by empowering us, not only to accompany others through all kinds of pain and suffering, but also to heal and transform the communities around us. As those who eagerly desire to be instruments of your healing and grace, we pray, use us today! Amen.




Always good God,

May those who are gathering with friends and family today be filled with genuine joy and gratitude for the love they are privileged to share. May those who are serving others today, providing care without unceasing, be given an abundance of rest and refreshment in exchange for their sacrifices. And for all those who are suffering today, grieving the absence of belonging or struggling to feel grateful, we pray that a spirit of hospitality would impel those around them to gather them in, lift their hearts, and love and support them. With thanks to you, for your unending love and faithfulness to us, Amen.


    Reflection   “The desire for safety stands against every great and noble enterprise.” –Tacitus   Prayer   God of life,  We know the life of faith involves risk, yet we often find reasons to hunker down and remain in our zones of comfort.


God of life,

We know the life of faith involves risk, yet we often find reasons to hunker down and remain in our zones of comfort. Give us courage instead to step out once more, like Peter your disciple, who followed your voice and walked on water. Yes, may we follow the examples of all of those before us who so boldly answered your call, risking their own sense of safety so that your compassionate ministry could more effectively reach those in need. For the sake of the great things you are eager to do through us today, make us as bold, ready to answer your call. Amen.


    Reflection   “[Spirituality] is a vital awareness that pervades all realms of our being... Wherever we may come alive, that is the area in which we are spiritual.” –David Steindl-Rast   Prayer   Enlivening Spirit,  There is no area of ou


Enlivening Spirit,

There is no area of our work or ministry that is closed to your life-giving spirit. Today, therefore, help us to recognize your spirit at work in all that we do, from the ordinary to the extraordinary, that we might enjoy a deeper awareness of the sacredness of each passing moment. May we be free to celebrate your presence wherever we come alive and to share your life more abundantly with those around us, especially those who are longing for joy, kindness, and laughter. For a spirituality that lifts others up and celebrates life, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “A good example has twice the value of good advice.” –Albert Schweitzer   Prayer   God over all,  The example of your son, Jesus, continues to inspire our ministry as we extend his compassion to all those in need. Help us to


God over all,

The example of your son, Jesus, continues to inspire our ministry as we extend his compassion to all those in need. Help us to better embody the values of his gospel today, in concrete and tangible ways—in the ways that we serve our patients and families and wider communities and as we care for one another as colleagues and friends. May we serve you well by living as good examples, always eager to do what is right and to work together for the common good. Amen.