Reflection   “One of the most wonderful things about knowing God is that there’s always so much more to know, so much more to discover.” –Joni Eareckson Tada   Prayer   Everlasting God,  Your love and wisdom are so boundless! It fills us


Everlasting God,

Your love and wisdom are so boundless! It fills us with awe as we grow closer to you, to realize that no matter how far we go there is always more to discover and more we can share of your love and wisdom. For all those who are serving others in your name today, we ask you would fill them with your boundless spirit, and that through their service they might grow closer to you. May we all desire to grow closer to you, eager to delight in your goodness and share your mercy with people most in need. Amen.

Memorial of St. Columbanus

Memorial of St. Columbanus


Holy Love,

We celebrate the life of St. Columbanus today, whose passion for ministry inspires our own, that we might become as bold in our convictions and as eager to embody your love for the world. May we follow this trailblazing saint and walk in his footsteps, becoming all things to all people: gentle, firm, steadfast, and humble. For the good help of all those we have the privilege of serving, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “In every walk with nature one receives far more than one seeks.”  ~John Muir   Prayer   God of Creation,  Jesus often withdrew from others to go into the wilderness to find peace and solace. There is something about ta


God of Creation,

Jesus often withdrew from others to go into the wilderness to find peace and solace. There is something about taking a walk in nature, amid fields of tranquility, that draws us closer to you and your love. Often, when we return from a quiet walk, we find ourselves more energized, focused, and ready to face the day. Help us to recognize the importance of these moments of quiet and solace, knowing that you are present in the midst of them. Amen.


    Reflection    “What gives me the most hope every day is God’s grace; knowing that grace is going to give me the strength for whatever I face, knowing that nothing is a surprise to God.” ~Rick Warren   Prayer   God of grace,  There are no


God of grace,

There are no two words that flow together more beautifully than HOPE and GRACE. Our lives are filled with hope: hope for healing, hope for finding the right job, hope for deepening our relationship with you. Whether the outcomes of our hopeful endeavors unfold as we wish, we trust that by your grace, we will receive what is truly in our best interest, for only you know what that is. Our hope lies in trusting you. Amen.


    Reflection    “Our patience will achieve more than our force.” ~Edmund Burke   Prayer   God of patience,  Life can sometimes become so out of control that we easily lose patience with others. Inspire us instead to take the time to unders


God of patience,

Life can sometimes become so out of control that we easily lose patience with others. Inspire us instead to take the time to understand where they are coming from, what they are experiencing, and the heavy burdens they may be carrying, that we might become more patient with them, as we would hope they would be patient with us. Help us to reach that understanding more quickly and to follow your example more closely. Amen.


    Reflection    “Every human is an artist. And this is the main art that we have: the creation of our story.”   ~Don Miguel Ruiz   Prayer   Author of Life,  Our story began with your love for us, and from that love, you created us to live


Author of Life,

Our story began with your love for us, and from that love, you created us to live out our own stories. From the first breath we took so many years ago, through the interactions of childhood and our teen years, to where we are today, our stories together unfold to reveal your love for all humankind. Guide us through the remaining chapters of our lives, so that the conclusion will be one of love and legacy in helping those in need, especially those who are poor, vulnerable, and underserved. For this we pray, Amen.

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

International Day of Persons with Disabilities


God of all abilities,

You have gifted each of us with unique and wonderful abilities. Every person should be valued for being a beloved child of God, rather than for having the same talents and skills as everybody else. Help us to understand that the term 'disability' could be seen as 'other ability,' for we are all endowed with different talents granted by you. Guide us to see as you see and to celebrate the skills and talents of everyone.