Reflection    “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” ~Winston Churchill   Prayer   Courageous God,  You call us each day to take time to just listen, whether it is with our


Courageous God,

You call us each day to take time to just listen, whether it is with our patients, our family members, or a stranger on the street. Many times, we are eager to jump in with words or statements, but that may not be what is truly needed. Help us to be more like you, offering a listening ear and being fully present to those around us, and then, if needed, give us the courage to speak. By your example of always listening to us, help us to do the same. Amen.


    Reflection   “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light for my path.” ~Psalm 119:105      Prayer   God of light,  Your path is easy to follow when we allow your Word to become a lamp shining on the journey. So often, we try to travel the


God of light,

Your path is easy to follow when we allow your Word to become a lamp shining on the journey. So often, we try to travel the road of life on our own, only to find that there are many roadblocks that prevent us from being our true selves. Guide us, through your Word, to trust you more and to recognize that the lighted path ahead is illuminated by your love and devotion to us, helping us become better human beings. Trusting in your guidance, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection    “Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax.”  ~Mark Black   Prayer   God of rest,  After six days of creating such beauty, you rested. You knew the importance of taking time to step away and be refreshed.


God of rest,

After six days of creating such beauty, you rested. You knew the importance of taking time to step away and be refreshed. Your Son, Jesus, did the same, often retreating to solitary places to be alone and rejuvenated. Our lives can become so busy that we sometimes lose our productivity by not taking time to relax. Guide us in understanding the importance of stepping away from work to relax and recharge. Through your example, may it be so. Amen.


    Reflection   “In Christianity, visiting the sick and caring for their needs is not merely a moral duty, but an actual encounter with Christ.” –Daniel Sulmasy    Prayer    God among us,  As those called into your service today, we invite


God among us,

As those called into your service today, we invite you to inspire us by your spirit and by your promise, that you are close to those who are sick and brokenhearted. Remind us that when we minister to patients and families and care for our community’s needs, you are right there, too, near to them and empowering us, that we might serve as you served and love as you loved. Lift our hearts beyond a sense of duty alone, to receive afresh the deeper calling you have given each one of us, no matter our role or title, to extend this incredible ministry of healing. Amen.

Memorial of St. Laurence O’Toole

Memorial of St. Laurence O’Toole


God our refuge,

Today we remember your servant, St. Laurence O’Toole, who among other things was a champion of justice and protection for the poor and marginalized. Let his legacy of ministry inspire our own, as we commit together to be good help and provide health and well-being to communities in need. Bless our eyes to focus our attention especially on those who are vulnerable, that we might listen carefully to their needs and respond in ways that bring healing and hope. Amen.

World Kindness Day

World Kindness Day


Divine kindness,

We have learned so much about the world around us, yet still through the ages we know the greatest and highest form of wisdom is as simple as it is hard: to be sincerely and authentically kind. On World Kindness Day, we recommit as a ministry to showing genuine kindness towards all those we have the privilege of serving and to serve your wider creation with kindness as well. May each one of us grow in our capacity to be kind, especially towards those who are poor, dying, and underserved. Amen.


    Reflection   “Joy is always a function of gratitude – and gratitude is always a function of perspective.”  –Ann Voskamp   Prayer    Source of all joy,  Many forces in the world today want to shape our perspectives in unhealthy ways. Yet


Source of all joy,

Many forces in the world today want to shape our perspectives in unhealthy ways. Yet you give us the power to guard our hearts and to see the world through eyes of gratitude, learning to encounter the people and situations around us in ways that ultimately lead us to joy. Today, as we strive to bring healing to a world in need, we pray that each of us working together would commit to shaping a culture of gratitude, so that your abundant, life-giving joy would be more palpable among us. For our own sake and for the sake of all those we are privileged to serve, we pray. Amen.