Spiritual Care Week

Spiritual Care Week


Spiritual Guide,

We ask for your blessings upon all those who serve in Spiritual Health services. Their work with patients and families, leaders, and associates is vital to the mission of Catholic healthcare. The connections they foster on a spiritual level deeply reflect the bonds we share with you. May the compassion and love they offer bring a greater awareness of the Reign of God, the dream you hold for the world. Amen.


    Reflection    “So by their fruits you will know them.” ~ Matthew 7:20   Prayer   God of Many Gifts,  You have blessed each of us with unique and varied talents, entrusted to us to further your kingdom of love. Help us to use these gifts


God of Many Gifts,

You have blessed each of us with unique and varied talents, entrusted to us to further your kingdom of love. Help us to use these gifts wisely, for the benefit of those we serve, especially the poor, the vulnerable, and the underserved. May the talents we share bring joy, meaning, and hope to their lives, reflecting your unwavering love for them. In your holy name, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection    "We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone." - Ronald Reagan   Prayer   God of Comfort,  We come before you as humble servants within a Catholic healthcare system, driven by a deep passion to alleviate the suffe


God of Comfort,

We come before you as humble servants within a Catholic healthcare system, driven by a deep passion to alleviate the suffering of those afflicted by illness and disease. Each day, we dedicate ourselves to bringing health and healing to our patients, offering them compassion and love in their moments of greatest need. Though we know we cannot reach every person in need, we ask that you guide us to serve those who do come to us, helping them to feel valued and cared for. May our decisions in their care be wise and guided by your hand, leading them toward a path of healing and well-being. For this, we pray, Amen.


    Reflection   “There are some things you learn best in calm, and some in storm.” –Willa Cather   Prayer   God with us,  We are mindful of those going through specific storms today and ask that your mercy would attend to them. For those wh


God with us,

We are mindful of those going through specific storms today and ask that your mercy would attend to them. For those who are sick and suffering, in mind, body, or spirit, help us accompany them in ways that bring peace, comfort, and healing. No matter what our circumstances, may we all grow closer to you today and learn how to make the most of the time we are given. Let us be a community of support to each other, helping those around us grow and develop in the ways that matter most, through every season. Amen.


    Reflection   “Loving one’s enemies requires grace — an inbreaking of the long-long-vision of a greater love, higher justice, and deeper acceptance beyond deserving. Compassion does not remove the rage or silence the outrage; it gives a p


God over all,

Your command to love our enemies is hard to obey! Obstacles stand in our way, be it the rage we feel in the face of injustice or the wrongs we struggle to forgive or even just fundamental differences we have a hard time seeing beyond. Despite our weakness, restore our faith in the power of your grace, which removes division and has already overcome every obstacle preventing us from loving in the way you desire. Freed by your love, enable our compassion for all people so that the ministry we share today might be a sign for all to see, that your kingdom is among us and advancing. In faith, hope, and love, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “We shall awaken from our dullness and rise vigorously toward justice. If we fall in love with creation deeper and deeper, we will respond to its endangerment with passion.” –Hildegard of Bingen   Prayer   Good Creator,  As


Good Creator,

As our ministry continues to practice responsible stewardship of all our resources, including the Earth itself, we ask at the same time to be led on a personal level to love your creation more deeply for the gift that it is. Let a love for your creation guide us to pursue ecological justice in creative and inspiring ways, awakening others to join us, protecting and preserving the world you have so graciously provided for our good. Remind us that even the simplest action today can serve as a sign of our hope for a better tomorrow. Together, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “God has a history of using the insignificant to accomplish the impossible.” –Richard Exley   Prayer   God of the humble,  Time and again you have shown us that, through your power, even the smallest of gestures or the humbl


God of the humble,

Time and again you have shown us that, through your power, even the smallest of gestures or the humblest of offerings can be a vehicle of great transformation. As we work hard to embody your mission today, help us put more of our trust in you, believing that no matter who we are or what we do you are able to extend our efforts in ways we could never imagine! Today, may we foster a sense of expectation that your transforming power will fill our work, our words, and our actions to better the lives of those we serve, especially those who are poor, dying, and underserved. With gratitude and hope, we pray. Amen.