National Primary Care and PA Week

National Primary Care and PA Week


Healing God,
As we dedicate this week to Physician Assistants and all who work in primary care, we recognize that their contributions deserve daily celebration. These individuals are more than medical professionals—they are miracle workers, compassionate companions, and dedicated caregivers who put their patients first. Their impact on countless lives is profound, all because they care deeply. Throughout the ministry we share this commitment: while we may not always be able to cure, we always care. Amen.


    Reflection    “If we love one another, God remains in us and his love is brought to perfection in us.”   ~1 John 4:12   Prayer   Loving God,  We can love others because You first loved us. Often, we forget where love began, how it all st


Loving God,
We can love others because You first loved us. Often, we forget where love began, how it all started, and how we are able to share it. We walk our paths, hoping our love will suffice. Yet, when we pause to remember and rest in the deep love You offer us each day, we realize the true source of love. With this understanding, we can share Your love with others, a love far greater than our own. Guide us always back to the origin of love. Amen.


    Reflection    "There is no season when such pleasant and sunny spots may be lighted on, and produce so pleasant an effect on the feelings, as now in October." ~Nathaniel Hawthorne   Prayer   God of all seasons,  As we step a few days int


God of all seasons,

As we step a few days into this month of October, remind us of the beauty of this time of year.  Fall festivals and country fairs, harvesting of crops, hot apple cider, and of course the celebration of Halloween at the end of the month. So many wonderful and pleasant experiences.  As joy fills our minds in thinking of these upcoming events, help us to carry that joy with us throughout our workday, sharing it with our patients and co-workers. In anticipation of sharing such joy, we pray. Amen.

Memorial of St. Francis of Assisi

Memorial of St. Francis of Assisi


Merciful Lord,

In a culture that perpetuates division and stokes judgment across differences, help us stand out for our promotion of the kind of community you lived and died for. A community in which forgiveness and mercy are the anchors of unity, and where no one falls out of reach of our care and concern. Let the example of St. Francis, whom we recognize today, inspire us as a ministry on mission, that we might better embody humility and kindness, and be eager to put our lives in service to the whole network of life that we share with each other and the rest of creation. In gratitude and hope, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in the dark with a mosquito.”  –Betty Reese    Prayer   God of the humble,  The world tempts us to think that the power to make a difference depends on the


God of the humble,

The world tempts us to think that the power to make a difference depends on the position we occupy or the money we make or the number of people we’re in charge of. Yet in the ministry you started the reality is much more surprising and encouraging! Your transforming power often comes through the humblest of people from the lowliest places. Let this truth build up our spirits today, as we invite you to magnify the effects of our work. No matter what our role or function, how big or small our offering, we pause and give you thanks for this day’s opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of those we serve and serve beside. Amen.

Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah


Author of life,

As our Jewish colleagues and neighbors celebrate Rosh Hashanah, we all take time to acknowledge your creative power within and above all things, especially your power over life itself. Who is like you? Humbled by your life-giving work of creation, we ask that you would hear the prayers especially of those who are sick and suffering today or otherwise longing for signs of new life in tough situations. Be merciful to them and use us to minister to them in ways that bring comfort and healing. Sustain us all with your lovingkindness, as we recommit to your mission among us today. Amen.

Health Literacy Month

Health Literacy Month


Empowering God,

As we recognize Health Literacy Month this October, remind us that our work improving health literacy is a crucial way that we can honor the dignity of each person we have the privilege of serving. For all people deserve the chance to better understand, appreciate, and engage with information that is so relevant to their health and well-being. Inspire us, therefore, as health care professionals united in mission, to practice good communication and overcome barriers preventing patients and families and communities from being empowered in their decision making. As those called to bring good help to others, we pray. Amen.